Crescellia Republic Missing

- Comet writes:

Late Yesterday Evening, there was massive detonations detected on all planets hosting Crescellian Republic colonies. All the colonies were reported to have been lost, after a small fleet of, what appeared to be, Engineers had left the system for and unknown course.

It is unknown, at this time, what happened to the populace that was saved from the detonations, or what had caused such detonations, however it was known, according to last census reports, that the population of the entire Republic was well into the millions, as high as 5million according to some analysts.

With reports of the amount of ships that left the system prior to the detected detonations, it is predicted that as much as 95% of the population was wiped out in this catastrophic explosion. It is unknown where the empire has fled to at this time.

Seconds prior to the explosion, however, a short-wave transmission burst was detected from TriCore Mining, Senzda II, the Production Centre, and Capital of the Republic. It read;

"We shall re-emerge".

Duke Comet was unable to be reached at this time, it is uncertain if he made it on the ships.

We shall update you with any new leads as the are unraveled.