- 2. TODO: Pressing the Home key takes you to the strategic view in space or planet overview on a planet. If you are already there and press home again, take your camera to the 3d environment.
- 3. TODO: Update the unit travel ETA to take into consideration warp travel.
- 4. BUG: Units waiting to undock, when all hangar doors are on cooldown, the time left jumps all over the place.
- 5A. BUG: When a planet shield is enabled/disabled it updates the game client but not the region. So bombs may continue to fall. Currently ORB w/ shields is client limited not server limited.
- 5B. Lies. Region knows a shield exists. It knows this when the structure is built, or destroyed. It then tests power status. Much better then just updating region from primary, its smart.
- 5C. BUG: If the bombard is active and a shield is built. The bombardment will continue.
- 6. TODO: Test stopping email and starting email, and tracking down why GENERAL chat messages and such fail, yet rooms created.
- 7. BUG: Post server restart, stand ground units at range will not resume combat unless moved.
- 8A. BUG: md.pak\models.dat missing CRLF at end if file breaking opt_22.
- 8C. BUG: ftrdin.pak\mosquito_i.dds missing
- 8D. BUG: ftrdin.pak\roach_i.dds missing
- 8E. BUG: ftrdin.pak\tick_i.dds missing
- 8F. BUG: nvldin.pak\NewNvl_i.dds missing
- 8G. BUG: bcdin.pak\talon_i.dds missing
- 9. BUG: When UpdaterClient.exe sent updates it either failes to execute UpdaterUpdater.exe or UpdaterUpdater.exe fails to re-call UpdateClient.exe at the end of its job
- 11. TODO: Agent mission. When on the goals list. Clicking 'Assign' will filter the agents (middle horizontal list) of just that skill sorted by skill (or nat tal) desc. Also, Color skilled agents green, and nat-tal agents blue.
- 13. On selecting a window, e.g. Agent list on agent main, set that window focused so mouse scroll focuses here.
- 14. TODO: Convert alias settings from int32 to int64 to add a few options like 'rename' 'archive' techs, or 'archive' missions.
- 15. TODO: On builder window, the drop down for Research lab example or Factory example; sort it alpha
- 16. TODO: Save Height setting for colony queue, and available resources.
- 17. BUG: Agent missions paused show the status of 'waiting' for each agent. Should render something smarter.
- 18. BUG: Agent mission in planning, submit it, and it creates a duplicate.
- 19. BUG: Pausing one agent mission does not properly clear OnMission status for agents, so other missions will not progress.
- 20. BUG: DirectTrade taxes are taken out before traded credits arrive. Can easily bankrupt a friend.
- 21. BUG: Units do not inherit Tactics from the space station they were produced from, like they do with ground facilities.
- 22. BUG: After transferring people, via transporters, to a station (from the station interface), it works once but then the planet drop-down stops showing all planets.
- 24. TODO: Convert Space Station module from ListView to TreeView by part type.
- 25. TODO: Hard lock Command Center and SpaceStation production sliders to only allow 0 and 1,200 (1,200 is the hard set number)
- 25. BUG/TODO: When super specials are researched, send an AddObject of that Player to all regions for things like AllowWarp, AllowFold, Etc to work before the next restart.
- 26. BUG: HW supply does not reset on SD. User sd out of aurelium, and it did not change hw.
- 27. TODO: On founding a new colony, default get the max for Controlled Moral and Controlled Growth.
- 28. TODO: On researching a new level of Controled Moral or Controlled Growth, auto update all colonies (from the last setting to the new) (NOT from 0 to new) (unless 0 was old).
- 29. TODO: DirectTrades and Market Trades should be capped to 1 day. I thought DT were.
- 30. TODO: On Prototype, render how much power Residence takes.

- 1. Finally overhauled all server side Dates stored as Integers to be Int64. Converted all uses and corrected data packet sizes when sent to client. Expect some things to slip through.
- 1. Corrected Trade history and other 'stored dates' to conver them from the legacy duct-tape forced '2020' year to the year the record was created.
- 2. Note: This correction was able to be made on any date stored as a number, except for the date when a player last received another players Tech scores. Upon next spy action, the date will update.
- 1. A few more fixed in Trade and other locations where some int32's slipped through.
- 1. Corrected Search for Guild date int32 packet.
- 2. Opening the guild search to join window will auto select Recruiting and issue a search.
- 3. Fixed Guild Treasury transaction history date int32.
- 4. Fixed Guild Event 'dates' int32 and loading of details
- 1. Updated client default user preferences to default enable Tripple Buffering, Vertex Shading, Screenshot JPG format, model texture to Highest, and friend/foe pulse colors.
- 1. Fixed a recently intruduced bug that prevented -1 before last build ghosts from showing up.
- 2. Possibly fixed a problem rendering some pulse beams.
- 1. Renaming any space station or OMP will also set the Colony Name. Keeping the names unified for GNS, Command Overview, Route Dest, and Transport Dests.
- 2. Fixed a bug with Route Overview for units traversing intersteller space (BG).
- 3. Fixed a recently added bug with Route Overview, clickthru to see route steps, errored a bunch at first.
- 1. Duct tape applied to Trade History, when you had more then 250 records it tried to return the most recent 250, but due to the server y2k22 bug it was getting 0 as a fallback.
- 2. Bug allows you to select an engineer, then dismantle target, then use the mining window to select any facility, and remote destroy it. Even if it wasn't owned by you.
- 1. Tactical Data entities are now flagged as from tactical data. Fixing a bug where a tactical entry for a planet shield prevents building a new one.
- 1. Battlegroup management window is now 100 pixels taller, making the fleets list bigger.
- 2. The Battlegroup management window will now save/restore scroll-to and selected position after a refresh/change.
- 3. Fixed where left-clicking any list could trigger a Double-Click event by simply clicking two different list entries within the double-click time.
- 1. Major overhaul to GetTransports (initial request of list) to now include the location names, and other data pre-cacshed. Instead of 100's of packets as you scroll.
- 2. Transport Destinations, colony lists under each solar system, now have their names pre-cached, and now sorted.
- 3. Fixed a bug where BattleGroups would arrive, but not update SQL, and could snap back to moving, even when the units arrived.
- 1. Transports now ship the name with the header packet of transports, as opposed to having to request them as you scroll the list.
- 1. Fixed an issue causing some transports to get stuck Imminently arriving.
- 2. Fixed a UI bug when first loading the battlegroup interface.
- 3. Fixed a bug when you had an agent details window open, but dismissed them from the agent list, the render engine went crazy.
- 1. Units built on a planet in the arena did not default to exp level elite.
- 2. AI requested move commands, for engage and pursue did not properly exclude Facilities, causing excessive Pathfinding looped packets.
- 3. AI requested move commands, for engage and pursue did not properly exclude Units whos engines were disabled/destroyed, causing excessive Pathfinding looped packets.
- 4. Enhanced the SQL compare on Region to detect possible snap back units, if found, auto set them to update primary next Async burst.
- 1. Added 2 special techs to raise Battlegroup counts to 50 and 200.
- 2. On the galaxy view, the progress of a Battlegroup rendered a triangle, but showed reverse progress (distance from destination not distance from source).
- 3. Added a filter on the galaxy view to render wormholes for the currently viewed solar system only.
- 1. Improvements to which scroll bar is used on mousewheel with forms that have many sub forms.
- 1. The Prototype viewer, actual results, will now show final weapon range post any noises.
- 1. Updated Route Manager for live updates, single click route info window options disabled pending coding.
- 2. Destroyed Facilities now message the attacker, like the new Unit Destroyed messages.
- 3. When viewing a 'waiting' agent, the drop-down for target won't reset to (me) every 5 seconds.
- 1. Fixed a crash when clicking Goto Location on captured Agent Intel data, such as colony location, that do not have an X-Z location.
- 2. Coded the Universal Route Manager, double click to take you to and select the desired unit.
- 3. Universal route manager, coded up row header sort clicking. Defaults to Location.
- 1. Guild Bank transactions upped from 100B to 1T per click.
- 1. Docking Request Rejected email alerts now contain an attachment taking you to the Location x/y of the dock.
- 2. Upon server shutdown, it will now call the FinalizeEnvirAlerts() which is usually triggered at account signon to give you a digest of units/facilities lost. Problem is that infomation is not saved past restart, so we now ship it to not loose it.
- 1. Primary was sending extra data for the Colony Research Queue window for non-producable facilities.
- 2. When looking at the Colony Research/Production Queue window, if a facility has things to produce but is hung on insufficient resources, it will now show this.
- 3. When changing environments with the Colony Research/Production queue visible, it will auto refresh with the new location.
- 4. When attempting to tell the Battlegroup Management window to undock a unit, it use to route through the connected region. This is not accurate for a possible remote unit. It now routes to primary for handling.
- 5. Agent assignments, when complete, for Preperation phase will cap out at points required (e.g. 50/50) and not overrun (e.g. 53/51). It just looks silly.
- 1. Fixed Steal Credits mission asking you to fill in Target2 of location and Target3 of mineral.
- 2. When using the Assign Agent button to a skill, without picking an agent, it picks your First/Second/Third rated agent. If the next one up is already assigned on this goal it won't error but rotate to the next slot.
- 3. When setting an agent to Infiltrate, the Agent status list will show (Waiting... with a time). To get around this players would naturally double click the agent to get a fresh status. It will now correctly flip to Infiltrating.
- 4. Counter agents will nolonger gain random suspicion on their checkins if they fail the random infiltration rolls. In fact those rolls shouldn't even be tested.
- 5. When you have an agent details window open, and a fresh agent status packet is received, the window will refresh with the new data.
- 6. Clicking to default assign the best agent will now correctly rotate to the second, third, and then clear.
- 7. Clicking Assign at the top of any skill that has an agent assigned, will clear that slot if you didnt select a new one from the list.
- 1. All direct trades and market trades are now 30 minutes, even though submitting a direct trade will tell you 3,000+ days to go.
- 2. Enable/Disable explosions in the game settings now will be able to disable unit death sequences, which in large battles, drops FPS to 1.
- 3. Fix to recent game packet updates for Exp Level not being shipped to the client correctly.
- 4. Fix to recent game packet updates (pending server restart) for ALT key showing weapon range rings being obscene for missiles.
- 1. Disabled all players from having universal sight of pirate forced due to players taking advantage of this.
- 2. Agent Skill data is now sent to the client upon login with the Agent Header data. That way your client doesn't have to request each one individually once you open F9, which can lead up to 60 seconds of confusing when looking at agents.
- 3. The server now sends SentOnDate with the bulk login Email headers packet. That way the Email List can sort, date appropriate, versus it's haphazard old method.
- 4. The Mail List nolonger re-sorts once for each message received.
- 5. When you select units/facilities, it would (for each one) request Details from region, HP status from region, Name from primary, and even Weapon Max Range to render ALT key. This is now all sent via region when you enter the location. This should seriously reduce server load, and client lag/lockups with big battles.
- 6. Facilities in the arena have no docking speed limits. Dock all or undock all instantly.
- 7. When selecting a module in a space station that should be able to produce, but the module is not powered, you will no receive a warning.
- 8. I thought it was this way, but units built in Arena are now elite at birth.
- 9. Various fixes to the workflow that changed with the region server sending critical unit details on environment load.
- A. Setting a tether point would send Client -> Region, expecting region to report back, it now won't, so the client needs to also adjust its local copy of the settings.
- B. Setting Combat Tactics or Targeting Tactics did the same Client -> Region, expecting a report back from region. Now it sets itself locally.
- C. When units are undocked from a station, they are given details from primary. When that packet arrives, instead of upsizing the packet with all the info, I have the client then fetch the information the old way. Assuming undocking isn't exactly massive spam.
- 1. The Agent Main window started to dock with the Captured agent window. It also auto closed them on close. This is a problem as you might want to keep the torture mini window open. Therefore this child close event has been disabled.
- 2. When moving a unit, the Tether point was suposed to clear but it was not. This would cause units to randomly fly off if you changed tactics. s
- 3. Enemy Unit Killed was not fully tagged so it didn't show up on the Combat chat tab.
- 1. After purchasing a public item on the market, the refresh would not restore the next selected item nor scroll point.
- 2. Added client side support for Enemy Unit Destroyed alert notifications.
- 3. When viewing the design of a component, if you change the 'factory' option to see the time, the sub-window Production stats will also update.
- 4. Enabled server side sending of Unit Killed message.
- 1. Big big fix and update to Region that was causing some player actions to be thought of packet spam. Removed all limiters to test effects.
- 2. Agent AutoAssignment will now pick 2nd and 3rd best agents, but will not pick New Recruits / Dismissed / Dead / Captured.
- 3. Fixes to Dismissing an agent not updating the Agent Overview details.
- 4. When another player or alias picks up minerals or parts, broadcast to any players in that environment update details of that cache.
- 5. Pressing Enter on the Colony Stats window, Controlled Growth or controlled Moral entries will call the Set button.
- 6. Added "of 588" to the Special tech 'researched' section so you know how far along you are.
- 7. Altered the Armor Design Viewer to show you the previously designed armor's integrity as opposed to always stating this armor is brittle. As soon as you goto Designed, or many any changed, you're back to dealing with a live Integrity estimation.
- 1. The View Agent info window is now automatically docked to the lower right of the agent main window, they move and close together.
- 2. When changing from My agents to Enemy agents, the scroller didn't reset to zero causing the possiblity of you scrolling agents, and going to enemy, and thinking the list is empty.
- 1. Update to region to force it to more regularly update Primary with unit location/move-to information. (Brute force method, may impact performance, second option exists)s
- 2.
Hitting Delete on a mail folder use to prompt you to click it a second time to confirm. Instead a msgbox is presented. - 3. Added a Delete Folder button to email.
- 1. Fixed a possible crash on the server with Colony Queue's attempting to process the next item in the queue when the queue was empty.
- 2. Timestamps added to all Notifications that are sent to the Chat windows.
- 3. Adjusted the mission window, goals list, to be just tall enough to show a 6th entry.
- 4. Adjusted the mission Steal Credits, type Deception and Brute Firce, such that Load the Cargo happens after Getaway, not before.
- 1. Added group name tags for Target1 in mission list, to show a short version of WPN/HULL/PROTO etc.
- 1. Added group name tags for Target2 in mission list, to show a short version of WPN/HULL/PROTO etc.
- 3. Updated UI during login to change "Requesting Player Details... [type]" to properly show "Received Player Details... [type]"
- 4. Fixed Agent Prison Test cycles when it was "1" when starting the server, never changed from 1.
- 5. Any time you select a different control that has a scrollbar, it now marks that specific item for next use of the mouse wheel. In the past it just scrolled the first control found (upper left to lower right order).
- 6. Viewing the Agent Intel Report window is now docked to the lower right corner of the Agent form, as opposed to showing up randomly on the screen.
- 1. Fixed Agent Intel filter, Weapon was showing Prototypes.
- 2. Added Agent, Colony, and Facility location as drop downs for the Agent Intel Filter.
- 3. Fixed armor designer, when integrity was below 100%, it was showing a number double what it really was.
- 4. Added a % to the integrity on the player intel window.
- 5. After reading an unread email, it will change to light-blue.
- 1. A debug only update to allow override local mission .dat files for testing.
- 2. Bomb tech was not rendering correctly (at all) on the agent intel area.
- 3. Armor tech was showing Radar resist, that doesn't exist. Also sorted them the same as the designer.
- 4. All weapon intel types now show you the 6 dmg types and their min-max value, just like the weapon designer.
- 5. Fixed bug on all list views that caused them to re-scroll to top while still refreshing. Only a problem on very long lists like email.
- 6. Fix to designer up/down arrow on Res Cost and Prod Cost when the number was > int32.
- 7. Add UnitID to the window clipboard when you type /ID in chat.
- 8. Updated colors for Read/Unread emails. Unread use to be bold. Now Read is light blue, and unread is bold white.
- 9. Fix to email sorting causing excessive re-sorts.
- 10. Fixed unit Behavior window to not default to show Dock With Target if no tactics are actually specified.
- 11. Added to the Radar Designer tooltip for Jamming to show what each jamming type does.
- 12. Updated Primary server mission settings for a few missions where client differed.
- 13. Added name flags, [WEAPON] [HULL] to the 2nd target drop-down of agent missions when the mission is on a component.
- 14. Fixed a crash from a font problem on the Agent Overview window.
- 15. When clicking between agents, the infiltration settings would keep the type but not the target. This made mass infiltration a pain.
- 16. Added a Component Type, and Intel Level filter to the Agent Foreign Intel list.
- 17. Fixed Prototype Intel as it was never coded to render. It now shows basic info and component names.
- 18. Added Infiltration/DeInfiltration timers to the agent main list so you don't have to go checking each one.
- 19. Fixed Prison Test Cycles, was suposed to be 5-24 hours, math error it was -5 to 19 hours.
- 20. Fixed a Mission Process Tests time code error, it was using Goal.BaseTime as Cyles not Seconds, so things were 30x faster.
- 21. Fixed an error, and later a crash, when attempting to sumbit an in-planning mission.
- 22. Non-applied testing to sending online emails for select types (like attack summaries). Afraid my code would cascade so its disabled pending more testing.
- 23. Fixed SQL saving of emails, would always delete and re-add attachments.
- 24. Codes server side Intel additional/better data for weapons and Prototypes.
- 25. Fixed the server startup routine so it loads Player Tech Intel, after it loads Tech Data. Otherwise some data would never be sent to the client.
- 26. Hard deleted tech is no longer sent to the client as player data, nor player intel data.
- 1. Fixed all combo (drop-down) boxes where every other click it was suddenly rendering the first item 3 times.
- 2. Fixed crazy re-scroll to top of email list when the list was still refreshing and you scrolled down.
- 3. (Disabled until adding Emails to background save) Added a Mark All Read option to E-Mail folders.
- 4. Fixed the Agent Prison Test Timer (5-24 hrs) was miscoded using 19*rnd-5 not 19*rnd+5, meaning some could do instant re-tests.
- 5. Fixed an issue reading goals.dat where Modifier=blank not zero.
- 6. Updated all Mission Goal times to be way more resonable.
- 7. Fixed Server side Mission Goal times, from Instant (code typo) to defined times.
- 8. Updated the Radar designer, Jamming Effect tool tip to show what each jamming type does.
- 9. Fixed mission configuration for Audit Damage, too many methods listed on the client.
- 10. Fixed mission configuration for Steal Credits, methods outside brute force were all fubar.
- 11. When going agent by agent, that are waiting, to set an infiltration target, the drop down for Infiltration Type would keep resetting to General. It now carries that default forward.
- 12. On the Agent List, if an agent is busy doing something (Infiltration or DeInfiltration) it will render the ETA right there in the list.
- 1. The repair window, hovering over the hull will now tell you the number required and which material is needed for repairs.
- 2. Fixed the quickbar agent icon, blinking, never reset once toggled.
- 3. Fixed Agent Export, the actual export of data was never started.
- 4. Fixed the Raise Full Invulnerability, was disabled in BP live, never re-enabled.
- 5. Replaced all client calls to console.writeline with debug.print such that more information is there for folks running windbg to help find a crash.
- 6. Upgraded server side, and send to client of Technology and Total score from int32 to int64.
- 7. Reworked three seperate copies of code 'Take the camera to X environment, at location X-Y' to a single global library
- 8. Added a new Chat Notification type 'Combat', which can be used to add a custom Combat chat tab.
- 9. Reworked client nofications to flag combat related ones as ForCombat.
- 10. Fixed a GFX crash when a massive amount of new weapon particle events are being rendered.
- 10b. Fixed a GFX crash when a massive amount of Particle Burn effects are rendered.
- 11. Fixed text sorting to sort special characters before 0-9, A-Z.
- 12. Temp hack, Agent list shows cap of 100 agents hard-coded, not based upon player specific bonuses applied.
- 13. On the Agent window, Foreign intel list, there was debug code leftover that showed KnowledgeType, useless to player.
- 14. Fixed when submitting a mission InPlanning, it would create a new/dupe mission and never let you do anything with the InProgress one.
- 15. Hard disabled building a TradePost in the arena.
- 16. Fixed a bug on word-wrapped notifications and chat msgs where additional lines were not clickable.
- 17. Overhauled Chat-Tab configuration window.
- 18. Fixed the Buildable list Qty: label was way to the left, leftover from last months global refactor of label boxes to be left justified.
- 19. The Budget Window, changing of tax rate, now updates this window as opposed to resetting the view back to prior and then changing when server updates.
- 20. Fixed the Budget Window, so on a tax rate change, it doesn't attempt to open the F6 colony details for that remote colony.
- 21. Added HasColony flag and total Population to the Budget window export data.
- 22. Fixed the Budget window data export as it wouldn't always fire the actual export.
- 23. Altered the Foreign Policy window, your score to theirs progress bars to support int64 numbers.
- 24. When you have a space engineer selected, the icon for Repair Facility wasn't rendering, but still clickable.
- 25. Broke apart Notification window (4 lines long) and Notifiction History for better code reading.
- 26. Fixed Mineral Data Export as the actual data export didn't always start.
- 27. Fixed Special Tech list Data Export as the actual data export didn't always start.
- 28. Hard disabled Software rendering.
- 29. Fixed function Exists so it would work for testing if a directory exists, even if its empty.
- 30. Fixed a small possible error on Updating environment CP limits could accidentally cause the GFX engine to crash/restart.
- 31. Added placeholders for future Universal Route Overview window.
- 32. Temp disabled the recently added PathFinding custom update to Primary to save a formations location and move to destination. Fixed issues with server restart, but brought about a ton of major combat lag.
- 33. Fixed server issue where updating an agent Infiltration Type, Level (how deep they are), Report Settings, Arrival time, Target, and mission assignment didn't mark the agent data to be saved.
- 34. Added SystemName / Planet Name to the subject of the GetColonyBudget agent mission.
- 35. Put a hard cap on Steal Credits of 1 Trillion.
- 36. Fixed a data save bug on Mission Assignments causing some needless delete/re-insert sillyness.
- 37. (testing stats) Temp disabling Tech Score from Shields to be a part of the Technology and Military scores.
- 38. Disabled the ability to power off an Orbital Mining Platform.
- 39. Added some code (partial) to allow self repairing of a space defense platform.
- 40. Added some math fixes to the Homeless, Uemployment, Adjusted tax rate's of a colony. More work needed.
- 41. Added a crash protection when somehow a colony queue is less then 0 items big.
- 42. Fixed a server issue with sanding a player guild member list including Applied but not joined persons due to budget Int64 change.
- 43. Added some error handling console messages in case the T3 Pirate spawns have an unknown error.
- 43. Hard coded pirates to never attack a non-combat unit. (Engineer, Space Engineer, Naval Engineer, Cargo Ship.
- 44. Pirate T3 waves nolonger count Pirate units and facilities as possible spawn targets.
- 45. Converted all PirateFleets (spawned) to not reference a units object but it's ID instead to reduce excessive ram usage.
- 46. Fixed Player emails about combat location incorrectly giving you the location of 0,0 or the center of the solar system.
- 47. Fixed station repair all queues to not attempt to merge all repairs of the same thing to be one repair entry. This caused two issues. Nothing past first object was repaired, and on server restart the repair item didn't know which specific unit.
- 48. Changed Shield Technology scores above int32.maxvalue to not drop to 1000, instead render as int32.maxvalue.
- 49. Fixed Transports any/all alloy to stop attempt to drop off the Alloy tech, not the resulting Mineral.
- 50. Fixed Transports for a specific mineral, it was looking to pick up an alloy not a mineral, and the inverse for a specific alloy.
- 50. Re-enabled player log on / log off global message broadcasts and /who command.
- 51. Fixed a super rare case where loading a unit with no owner caused issues.
- 52. Server side disabled direct save to DB of unit data upon destination change. Background saver is better, and won't cause excessive lag on major unit movements.
- 53. Need to review, updated Set Entity Production to lookup player/aliased as opposed to old code that used Item Tech owner. Unsure why I did this. Something related to Clearing the whole planet Queue.
- 54. Increased console window log messages from 30,000 lines to 100,000 lines.
- 55. When loading unaccpted direct trades over then forever, reset its time remaining from 10 years ago to estimated time for trade to execute.
- 56. Added a fix to a certain set of GNS stories where it tried to reference a facility that had been destroyed.
- 57. Increased minimum change for an Audit self mission to root out, not necessary capture, agents from 0% to 2%.
- 58. Changed all audit and infiltration RNG calls from in-line to stored numbers and added console logging on attempted, pass, fail.
- 59. Changed Prison Escape tests to long pass, fail, injured to the console.
- 60. Changed all Primary server console debug logging to disabled, marked as '2099 to undo. This was an attempt to reduce memory usage, which it didn't.
- 61. Fixed the new Agent XP gain system, there was a code error preventing it from ever working.
- 1. After exporting data from the game (Agents, Budget, Minerals, etc.) The game will now attempt to launch the file for you.
- 1. Hard disabled the option to choose Software rendering as it becomes impossibly slow.
- 2. Found a bug that allowed TradePosts to be built on some Arena planets.
- 1. Fix to Transports any/all alloy loading the items marked as Alloy Tech not Mineral Tech, causing the unloaded objects to be unuseable, marked unknown.
- 1. Update to the UI Sort routine such that '<' comes before 0-9 due to unexpected issues with numeric usernames.
- 1. When you update taxes from the Budget window, it will not incorrectly refresh the ColonyStats (F6) window.
- 2. When you update taxes from the Budget window, the input entry for the tax rate won't instantly snap back to the current setting but render the new setting. Versus waiting for the next update packet from the server to then pop it to the newest value.
- 3. Some math corrections to how the server calculates moral penalties for taxes. Floating point rounding and stuff.
- 1. The GTC had their monthly meeting and made a decree. Pirates are no longer able to attack or damage civilian ships. This includes Ground Engineers, Naval Engineers, Space Engineers, and Space Cargo I. Dedicated cargo ships, that are not the Cargo I will still be attacked. If Pirates break this rule, they will be blocked from selling goods on the GTC market.
- 1. Overhaul to how the game does a downtime save of units such that it will not nuke all routes, then update units, then re-insert; instead it does each one its own in a protected sql command. That way a crash or end-process during the unit save event won't cause routes to be lost.
- 1. Added a 'Clear All Queues' button to the colony queue window that will stop all research, production, armor production, etc. planet wide.
- 1. Added options to F2-Mail->Options to enable/disable internal email alerts, and external email alerts for Pirate Spawn wave attacks or separately scheduled hub-hub T3 raids.
- 2. Refactored every Option and CheckBox throughout the entire game client such that all text is nolonger Right justified, now Left justified and fixed spaced from the [] or (), meaning with a fixed width font the text never lined up cleanly.
- 3. To increase FPS, I overhauled the IsDirty call on any interface object to only mark it dirty if there was a visual change (Left, Width, Top, Height, Caption, Font, Etc...)
- 4. Adjusting Colony Taxes, Controlled Moral, or Controlled Growth will now instantly update the server overall details and send a refreshed packet straight back for instant updates.
- 5. Fixed players getting First Contact alerts/mail with pirates when they already had contact.
- 6. Testing Pirate Cargo Fleets spawn reward giving a submitted DirectTrade in the same system as opposed to spawning a slow useless cargo ship with minerals.
- 1. Fix to the recent bulk packets where they were not resetting information upon an environment change.
- 1. *** Missiles now have their Rate Of Fire divided by 30. Meaning a 30 second interval will now be 1 second. This is the first part of refactoring missiles to do more then nothing.
- 2. Major overhaul to sending GetEntityDetails, GetHPUpdate, GetEntityName when selecting a large group of units, instead of one packet per, it sends bulk packets.
- 1. The client will now show "off" for the shield mouseover tooltip when power is disabled.
- 2. Pirate units will nolonger drop ship components when killed.
- 3. Corrected the unit filter for elite. It was using the byte value 255 not 255 so some 'elite' units were not filtered.
- 1. The Region servers (that handle combat and movement) will not start combat/movement until a signal is given from Primary, that all offline-invul shields have been raised first.
- 2. When a facility doesn't have power, shield do not function but still showed shields at 100%, they now should show 0%.
- 1. The Region servers now pass the EntityDefID about units to the client.
- 2. The client uses the new EntityDefID to lookup and store Power Generated, Power Used, and Cargo Capacity.
- 3> The client uses the new tracked info to render this on the mouseover tooltip for a units details (Lower right SingleSelectUnit info window)
- 1. Overhaul to the selection of units, issuing a move-in-formation order, followed by the reselection of some/all of those units looked for the best match of past groups. It now looks for best match weighted for the larger selection count.
- 2. Fixed math error that caused pirate hub-hub events to spawn on a server restart if within the same hour as a previous one.
- 3. When looking straight down, the camera scroll is super tiny even on max setting. I added a minimum override. TODO: Figure out the proper vector math to be smarter then a flat override.
- 4. Pirates will now 'Set Relations' with you, and alert you like normal as opposed to just being at war and not having contact.
- 5. Server debug, upon a success starting of a debug visual studio instance of any server process, minimize the visual studio window for it.
- 1. Major fix to units in a formation not pushing updated destination info to primary, leading to a potential unit snap back if the server is stopped abruptly.
- 2. Added a new client chat command /GetInfo. Select a single unit and type this. It will return the Location X-Y-A and Dest X-Y from client, region, and primary. They should all be in sync give or take a few pixels.
- 3. Corrected the on-login event that generates the email of lost units. For some reason it had recently started using KilledByUnitID not KilledByPlayerID and failed to lookup values.
- 1. GNS articles that contained PlayerName were leaving the name blank. 10yr fat-finger bug fixed.
- 2. A Units current Route Step, and Route Moving values did not queue a unit to save to SQL in the background, only upon a full dowmtime would this value save. This resulted in any server crash, or quick-restart causing some units routes to get stuck and pause.
- 3. Pirate units now drop 1,500 of a resource, not the material count which was uselessly low.
- 4. Unified console log message for pirates spawned, reinforced, defeated, and recalled.
- 5. Fixed a client crash on double-clicking some rare units in the universal inventory window.
- 6. The /FindEntity ##### command nolonger requires you to add ,29 which means unit.
- 7. The /FindEntity command now selects the found unit as opposed to just moving the camera there.
- 1. Unit Filter window now has an 'Elite Units' option to select only EXP ranked elite units.
- 2. Map Strategic Control filters, Blink units now greyed out in space.
- 3. Pirates no longer drop alloys from their destroyed ships. Instead they drop an equal number of a random base mineral. Possibly we'll increase the quantity to some random amount 100-1500.
- 4. When you pick up space debris, that is a foreign alloy, until you unload at a base it was listed as 'no name'. It will now show 'unknown alloy'.
- 1. Survey Mineral missions will now bark at you if you attempt to submit without selecting a solar system or planet, as opposed to submitting right into an in-progress state.
- 1. Agent Skill XP gain upon successfully completing a mission assignment has been tested and enabled.
- Sliding scale based upon current skill level.
- 00 - 50 gets 1-20 pts.
- 51 - 75 gets 1-15 pts.
- 76 - 85 gets 1-10 pts.
- 86 - 98 gets 0-1 pts. In the future, gains might be reduced if the mission assignment target is not an enemy, e.g. audit self or mineral survey.
- 2. Killing a pirate unit now gives rewards. Small/Medium/Large coded but only Small enabled. S=10m, M=100m, L=200m credits.
- 1. Updated the colony transfer window, Discard button, to allow discarding stocked unkwnowns. In case you somehow got them.
- 1. Orbital Mining Platforms no longer have HomeWorld supply taxes.
- 1. Transports with Alloys in the cargo hold will do a better job of rendering the alloy name, versus unknown.
- 2. Load/Unload transports of any/all alloy worked, but a specific alloy did not.
- 1. The Multi-Selected units window, a tooltip (mouseover) for Selected: will now show estimated CP usage for those units selected. Report any inaccuracies.
- 1. T3 (Hub Hub) pirate spawn times increased to include a 6am EST hit, for our brit friends.
- 2. Fixed a client bug when viewing the repair window for a big station, the credit cost was able to overflow int32 and error.
- 3. Possible fix to game whitescreen lockup for a few minutes when you try and exit the game. It was going way overboard forcibly unloading textures/meshes/memory.
- 4. Changed Multi-Unit Selection Filter window, Critical changed from any component damaged or <= 75% HP, changed to <= 50% HP.
- 1. T3 (Hub Hub) pirate waves now also seek out deep space groups of more then 5 units, or 25m cr. Single stations and turrets will still be found.
- 1. Transports now consider Minerals and Alloys two different things. Please adjust your Load/unload (All Minerals/Alloys) to use both or whichever you choose.
- 2. T3 (Hub Hub) pirate waves, between 9AM EST and 9PM EST, every 3 hours, of slightly annoying gnat strength limited to 7, to one randomly selected and defended gravity well (Planet or wormhole), in each T3 is now active.
- 1. Fixed Colony Queue refinery tab, Alloys were listed under Armor, and Armors listed under Alloy.
- 2. Updated space station module 'Factory' is now called 'Spaceport Module'.
- 1. Adjusted region server distribution code to better allow debugging a single solar system (Arena in this case).
- 2. Adjusted Mail window width to render longer subjects.
- 1. Disabled on the server, and next client release, the ability to use a cargo ship to mass strip mine a mineral cache.
- 2. Admin Interface: Completed interface to allow me to spawn Space Engineers for stuck tutorial players, without having to pause the server and manually enter code.
- 3. Admin Interface: Refined the Spawn Pirate Base form to allow easy spawning of pirate bases (Small Corner, Small Side, Large Center), on any planet.
- 4. Admin Interface: Put down some more function/sub headers and partial code for the up coming T3 Pirate waves (9am EST - 9pm EST every 3 hours, only in t3's only wave 7 "Annoying Gnats".
- 5. Adjusted the upper left unit display filter to reduce height to hide the unavailable options when on the space 2d map.
- 6. The colony queue now supports queing armor at refineries. (Armor also was completly removed from the production queue, only visible on the refining queue.s
- 7. Budget window, corrected agent costs to not word-wrap.
- 8. Disabled broadcast to chat when a player logs on / off, except for Alias and Guildmates.
- 1. Patched the agent mission results for survey missions to include the planet and/or system name in the subject line.
- 1. Moving the Build window on a space station will now prevent the list of factories and list of things to build from being moved to far left of the screen, or right of the screen.
- 2. Adjusted BattleGroup and DirectTrades to now have a maximum of 3 days.
- 3. Fixed an ancient bug that would cause a completed special tech to power off your research facility.
- 4. Fixed a server side issue where it was not sending Aliased Admin's the Research completed messages.
- 5. Closing the Options window will now also close the Alias and Alias Config windows.
- 6. Closing either the Alias or Alias Config window will close the other one too.
- 7. Guild search window, OCD fix div line and close button.
- 8. Guild details window, OCD fix div line and close button.
- 9. Moving the List of Your Aliases window, when called from the Options Window, now moved the docked options window properly.
- 10. The Close X button on Aliasing, Guild Mgmt, and Available resources now has the correct font X, not a stretched bigger ugly one.
- 11. Added a Close button to the top of the View Mineral Properties window.
- 12. New players Mineral Cache Colors now default to Red (255,0,0) not impossible white (255,255,255). I recommend everyone change it to this.
- 13. When selecting a special tech in the Colony Research Window, the Costs area now shows the main benifits name of the tech. e.g. "Engine Max Speed 200". s
- 1. All players in the arena are now automatically at war in the arena.
- 2. Space/planet 2d/3d maps now render all other players as red (enemy) within the arena.
- 1. Upon death, Units and Facilities would not render the death sequence fully, and therefore never remove the object from the client view.
- 1a. This was caused by a call to SystemUptime as Int32, when it should be Uint32, which returns an invalid negative number after 45 days of your pc running.
- 1b. This also caused folks to think their units weren't shooting anymore, when in fact they had died.
- 1c. This time bug (code) was used in 19 other random places in the game client from other effects to sound playback. All were patched. God knows what we fixed!
- 1. New space stations spawned in the Arena now automatically come with one factory module for free unit production in space. s
- 1. Purchased Smart Install Maker, and published a lite (no meshes, textures, audio) installer to the website to replace the UpdaterClient.exe
- 1. Fixed bug preventing space stations from being built in the Arena.
- 1. Fixed a problem with new user creation.
- 2. Fixed a problem with the F1 view when the tutorial is active.
- 3. Fixed a crash when the tutorial thought you were on a planet but you were really still in space.
- 4. Fixed a problem with the F1 view not liking mixed case named help files.
- 1. The Arena is now filtered out of the Transport Management Orders/Destinations list.
- 2. You can no longer build Space Station modules in the Arena.
- 1. Arena space and planet nolonger have any form of taxes or income.
- 1. The Colony Research Queue is not available in the arena.
- 2. Access to Research Labs is not available in the arena.
- 1. Pirates will not list dropped components/alloys in the arena for sale on the open GTC market.
- 1. Pirate bases spawned in Arena I-VII.
- 2. Testing code for all players to be at war inside the Arena.
- 1. Added new Arena star with one-way wormhole from Docchu, 10,000 right of docchu star.
- 2. Fixed a client crash where you select a unit, hit T for tracking, it leaves the system, and you press T again.
- 3. One-way wormholes are now one-way. :)
- 4. The Unit goto interface will not expand one-way (not from this side) traversable wormholes.
- 6. Routes and Templates cannot select a one-way (not from this side) traversable wormhole.
- 7. Battlegroups in the Arena system may not leave.
- 1. The route window, all actions, now effect all selected units.
- 2. When more then one unit is selected, the route manager will block out +/- and other action items. You must select a template.
- 1. Found cause of recursive colony destruction events, logging, gns when a colony dies naturally when population hits zero.
- 1. Hard limited rendered particles to 50,000. It would crash around 90,000.
- 1. On viewing the configuration of an agent mission, tweeked the Assign, Picture, and Skill text such that skill is nolonger on top of the picture and impossible to read.
- 1. On the Agent Main window, right side, known player intel was always empty due to a small bug.
- 2. Changed to BurnFX and PulseFX where the render client, on big battles, would go beyond the index array end when trying to render.
- 1. New Recruit agents are nolonger able to be direct traded / sold.
- 1. Extensive camera shift debugging added and disabled by default. Escape->Settings->General->Enable Debug Notifications to enable it.
- 1. Added client notification alert (top window) to log why your camera changed environments.
- 1. Agents, on execution steps, will nolonger show waiting, instead will show working, when a mission is waiting to execute.
- 1. Applied queue-now fix to Launch-All units. Therefore the first batch of units to pop out should be instant.
- 1. Agents would not register with your counter agency when the server loaded, only when you first set them. This is a huge fix for agency/counter-agency operations.
- 1. Removed French and Star Alliances from the F1 help interface.
- 2. The F1 help interface will now auto expand the root entry.
- 3. Added standard off screen protection when moving the help window around and the side car help details window is present so it won't go off the screen, and the same for moving the sub window.
- 4. Using the search function will ensure the found item is properly scrolled to if necessary.
- 5. Selecting a help entry will automatically open up that item to display. s
- 6. When using transporters. When the remote side cargo doesn't have room for the requested transfer, it now tells you the Low Capacity alert instead of a blank 'Transfer...'
- 7. The Contents window, and the Agent Intel windows both backwards checked time to see if they needed to refresh to lookup 'Unknown' entries. This habitually forced the player to close-open the interfaces when new unknown-named data arrived.
- 1. New client with a test of 'changing from planet to space' resource unload slowness.
- 2. Diplomacy window, foreign empire scores 'last updated' and other dates are now y2k22hack compliant, and not 730 days ago.
- 3. While logged into someone elses alias, emails sent to you will not show up in the mail window. Emails to the AliasedAs user will show up.
- 4. Found a bug in the log on/off as an alias, and back to yourself, where it do not always reset your AliasedAs flag to -1.
- 5. Error handling wrapped around DecreaseLimitOnParticles() which can cause an exception with too many particles present
- 6. Aliases can now rename battlegroups.
- 7. When a user renames a Colony, Battlegroup, or component; that player or anyone aliased to them is updated instantly.
- 8. Battle Group window, "Elements: " didn't fit 255/255 without clipping.
- 9. On Transports Management, it now shows current order count, and waypoint count.
- 10. On Transports Management, after perfoming waypoint and other actions, the item selected in the list of waypoints/orders is preserved after refresh.
- 11. On Station/Planet 'Transporters' view of remote colony inventory, archived tech are nolonger shown as "uknnown: ".
- 1. Unit selectd window, ETA, nolonger displays for a foreign players unit, or if your unit is not moving.
- 1. Major improvements to Region process's CPU usage. The region's have forever taken 100% of a core each, for 4 region processes. I found a legacy block of 'thread sleep' code, at the end of each cycle, which was disabled. I re-enabled the process to sleep for 30 milliseconds minus time the last cycle took, so 0 to 30 ms. This dropped cpu usage to 0.1% and actually sped things up.
- 2. Big bug in Primary server main 'job queue' that was causing a hidden crash of the queue. A factory that had a list of paused build tasks, where the factory was then deleted or removed, would cause many an issue untill the next downtime. Most notibly lauch-all stopped to work.
- 3. Bug in UI Repair window when the cost to repair a part was greater then int32
- 1. Bug fix to top left production progress bar, the green overlay of % complete was hidden behind the red fill.
- 2. On the Mineral research window, instead of everything (Minerals and alloys) being "Unknown Mineral ##" where ## is player discovery index, it now will show "Unknown Mineral ##" with the proper mineral ID, and also show "Unknown Alloy - ##".
- 3. You will nolonger be spammed with "We have discovered a new mineral" at login for alloys, but yes for minerals.
s- 1. Added Enlisted and Officers to Colony Queue.
- 2. Added Production count "(Qty: #,###)" to the details of a production facility on the Colony Queue.
- 3. Colony queue window height is now correctly saved/loaded.
- 4. Spawned missing minerals that did not exist as planet rings.
- 5. Spawned any of the missing 25 or so minerals that had 0 caches universally.
- 6. Added Production Time remaining to the top hud production - percent indicator
- 1. Agent missions performing the Preperation phases, while a server downtime occurs, will correctly resume post server start. s
- 1. Agent Overview now populates 2nd place and 3rd place agents if they are better. In the past it was silly and would only place/overthrow first place
- 2a. Added a delay countdown timer to the Orbital Bomber form, if bombing is ongoing, based upon last bomb dropped.
- 2b. This countdown is also stored with each planet so you can jump around and see the current local delays.
- 1. Issuing a move order to a unit, who is in a queue to dock, will cancel the queued dock event.
- 2. The Colony queue was for some reason set to loop through all items, but return (until next game cycle) after any positive queued event. This means queueing across 10 facilities might take 10 game cyles. Each cycle is 10-30 seconds.
- 3. Docking / Undocking is nolonger tied to the main game queue for its first attempt. Meaning dock/undock should be close to instant as long as you have the right doors and hangar space. Retries will still use the game queue and can take an additional few seconds.
- 1. Orbital Mining Facilities will nolonger mine forever. It now checks the parent colony cargo capacity, not the station capacity which is always zero.
- 2. Any factory, lab, or refinery with a production factor of 1 is hard excluded from the colony queue list. All items have a default of 1, so even a max factory just for cargo will show up as 1 and hurt people.
- 3. y2k22 date fix applied to guild taxes. You wont receive a guild tax email every time the server starts.
- 1. Fixed bug with unit goto when you star the movement from a planet.
- 2> Agent Overview beta release
- 1. Colony Production Queue will now render alloys by their name when assigned to a factory, not 'unassigned'
- 1. On the budget window, space no longer says 'NO COLONY' and Orbital Mining Platforms are nolonger colored red.
- 1. Corrected displaying of "Agent Not Present" on some missions.
- 1. After updating an agent status, the main agent window will refresh the new details immediately, not after 90 seconds.
- 1. Viewing the status of an in-progress or past mission, the list of goals will now be correctly sorted based upon their stage. Exactly as they are shown in the mission setup window.
- 2. On an in-progress mission. When the mission is on the preparation phase, the other steps wont show working, they will show waiting, unless they really are working.
- 3. On a failed mission. Any step that was never executed, due to the mission failing and aborting, will show aborted, not working.
- 4. Overhaul of the view in-progress or past mission, increased horizontal number of rendered assignments from 3 to 4 to fill space, moved all controls, etc.
- 5. Viewing the results of past missions won't incorrectly render Agent Not Present on a step that was completed.
- 6. mttexdin.pak (LowRes file) missing, use copy of mttex.pak.
- 7. When you dismiss an agent, restore the scrolled to position of the list of agents instead of scrolling all the way back to the top.
- 8. When you rename a prototype, it use to only change the name in the desingers not the 'build' windows. This has been adjusted so it does, going forward.
- 9. Updating prototype names nolonger updates local game names, then telling the server. Instead it tells the server and relies on the server passing back to you new details. This is so you don't try and rename default prototypes.
- 10. You also won't get charged the usual $1,000,000 credits for attempting to rename a default prototype.
- 11. Added check boxes to each sound volumn type to allow this type of sound to play when the game is minimized or in the background.
- 1. Client side trade ETA corrected to handle y2k22 hack patch. Will show proper time not -746 days.
- 2. Client side Time with Agency y2k22 hack patch.
- 1. Fixes to Colony Queue for the server to correctly handle Qty being an Int32 not a Byte. Previously anything over 255 was ignored.
- 2. Server to client notifications for Repair Complete are nolonger sent. The client ignored them anyway, and it lead to a huge excess of packets.
- 3. Removed useless 'Bid Settings Updated' notification when you update a mineral mining bid.
- 1. Hard disabled internal and external email alerts for Insufficient Resources due to factory retry queue fun. (over 100k emails generated)
- 1. Players logged into someones alias can now archive missions if they have the Modify Agents alias permission.
- 2. New graphics setting, check box, "Render Enemy Pulse" will override Pulse and Beam shots, from other players (enemy or not) to render as Red not their defined color.
- 1. Top center 'alerts' window width raised from 460 to 600.
- 1. Production queues will now resume when insufficient materials are supplied.
- 2. Agents can now swap infiltration from System<->System or System<->Planet or Planet<->Planet without having to return home first.
- 3. Server to client notifications for Alloy and Armor production completion are nolonger sent. The client ignored them anyway, and it lead to a huge excess of packets.
- 4. Transporters to send to a remote colony (the one on the left) had a bug and didn't function. Only transferring from left to right worked.
- 1. Pressing enter on any msgbox is the same as yes or ok. e.g. Delete a unit, ok?
- 2. Mining Facility list, single click is now the same as a double click.
- 3. Mining window is now resizeable vertically
- 4. Tweeks to Multi-Select and the Orders button, placement, position, etc.
- 5. Removed armor from Colony Queue Refinery tab.
- 6. Colony Queue increased Facilities to assign from 99 to 9999, and quantity on refineries from 9,999 to 999,999
- 7. Transport orders, on new order, default quantity to 100, and check off percent
- 1. Colony Queue for Armor/Alloys is now fully functional.
- 2. Tweek of Vertical Scrollbar on List Views and Tree Views, so it does not clip 1 pixel up top, or right.
- 3. Production Costs window on a prototype is now the full size of the parent form space remaining.
- 4. Research times window now takes into account, and reduces the rendered time, based upon the server side Research Multipler (currently 100).
- 5. The game client will nolonger give you a "Destination array not long enough" every time you log into another players alias.
- 6. Alias access to players whos accounts are disabled, or the empire is in the death process, are filtered from your possible alias list.
- 7. Converted Alias Rights list for IsAdmin accounts to offer alias rights to all active, not in tutorial, and not in death sequence users.
- 8. Window manager, docked sub windows do a better job of bringing their partner into the forground if you select the other window. Keeps from 2 docked windows from showing partially behind other screens in the game at wierd times.
- 9. On completing an interrogation of an agent, your client would not update the F9 -> Agent Main -> Intel list when the new intel was received if the window was open causing you to have to close/open F9.
- 10. Several places received Player Intel, but did not know the proper name of a cached name object, e.g. your colony "Quicma Base" is "Unknown" to me, so I fetch it. F9 and other windows incorrectly handled this state and never refershed to render the new looked up name.
- 11. The first time you ever view an agent's Face it's a generic image. It then refreshes to the face once the background task has extracted and rendered the face. However. If instead of closing the agent window and then selecting a new agent, you directly just select another uncached agent, since the window refreshes and does not close/open the PictureMissing variable is not reset.
- 12. The agent cost details on the budget window got some changes to not word-wrap some long agent names.
- 1. Guild's wont process tax reports every server startup as if they have never collected taxes.
- 2. Guilds now re-check taxes, votes, etc every hour.
- 3. Email Options window, close button, and divider line, ui tweek fixed. Missed this window in 2005!
- 4. Re-enabled the Colony Queue Alloy tab, but cannot actually queue. Just using the list for a reference.
- 1. Warehouse Prototypes now correctly grant 50,000 storage
- 2. Warehouse Prototypes can nolonger be Set Archived
- 3. Warehouse Prototype Hull's can nolonger be Set Archived
- 4. Quick environment camera move (upper right button) can now goto custom named planets. e.g. Bean, Narn, RteJada, Vexus, Europas
- 5. Budget window nolonger shows dead colonies as alive.
s- 1. Added sub-window 'Unit Filter' for MultiSelect offscreen protection code.
- 2. Added "##/50" render on agent list to denote if you are near agent capacity.
- 1. New space station "Colony" name will now be named the same as the prototype. In the past you would visually click a station and it would show prototype name, but F6 would just show a generic name of the space sector. This added confusion to the transports management interface.
- 1. The Repair sub window will nolonger be able to open to the (right) off the screen of either the Command mgmt or Hangar Contents windows.
- 2. Vastly improved the Repair+(Command or Contents) and Mineral Bid list+MineralBid movement left off screen, right, top, bottom to keep things in the screen at all times.
- 1. The Available Resources is now resizeable.
- 2. All tech windows now render the (+##) Bonus when possible.
- 1. New game client and server duct tape applied to temporarily work around Y2K22 YYMMDDhhmm > int32 issue.
- 1. Moved mail hosting from godaddy to local to make the Fleet Commander emails work again as it requires a catchall that nobody supports anymore.
- 2. Removed Factions button from Diplomacy as factions are currently irrelevant.
- 3. SQL update. Corrected Radar Designed loading the detection value in the visible range on past designs.
- 4. Disabled Enochor, and Aurelium planets 6-25.
- 5. Rollup chat messages will now show the origional timestamp, not the current time.
- 6a. The server will now auto send you all known mineral properties instead of doing 1 per second after you login.
- 6b. The Mineral Property export now works right away upon login.
- 6c. Fixed a bug that prevented you from learning any mineral window info (Colony cargo, etc) before 30 seconds of gameplay which lead to things like colony cargo showing total space, used space, but an empty list.
- 7. When viewing research on a space station, the research button on the view details window now works.
- 8. Fixed it so when you click Research on the research station (not view results), it will not close the window.
- 9. When viewing a research hull, the lower left corner 'Hull Per Slot' shows the number based upon Min hull size, not designed hull size.
- 10. Added basic code needed to convert Colony Growth, the timed event, to be able to be called real-time when facilities are added/deleted/destroyed, taxes, or controlled moral/growth are changed; to update them, not having to wait for the next ColonyGrowth, but at the same time not actually changing the population.
- 11. Fixed server side bug that allowed Cargo Transporters to work inter-system.
- 12. Fixed client so that Cargo Transporters only list targets in the same solar system.
- 1. Added a 4th and 5th level of planet mini-map zoom in.
- 1. Trade post history will nolonger dedupe and only show a single entry per uniq Day/Player/Amount.
- 2. GTC agents have been bribed and now allow sales of items to/from your enemy.
- 3. Upon login, all players are sent the last 6 hours of general chat. This use to be sent to admin, now everyone gets it.
- 1. Much better handling of the Colony Details window when you change environments. It now refreshes instantly, and also clears to zero if there is no colony there.
- 1. Fixed client side viewing designed armor, prod/res costs would not load and you would get a hull below one error. Ancient bug. Validator looked for hull/power which do not exist on armor.
- 2. Fixed submission of a re-designed armor to not always come back as poor design.
- 3. After next downtime, the HP/Shield bars rendering grey then they don't exist will work.
- 4. Agents that are commit suicide during the capture process are nolonger marked as captured prisoners on the enemy agent list. No you cant interrogate a dead person.
- 5. You can't assassinate a dead agent.
- 6. Counter agents that die, won't attempt to counter further parts of a failed mission, and therefore die many times over causing scary numbers of email alerts.
- 7. Agents cannot be captured multiple times on the same mission.
- 1. Uses aliased to pirates can nolonger buy/sell on the GTC market.
- 2. Fixed Magnetic Missiles. The server returned researched magnetic missiles as chemical missiles.
- 3. Removed ghosted alloys leftover from the Big Bang.
- 4. Various pirate backend code fixes. Budget bug. Stale kill stats. Etc.
- 5. Fixed the Guild Search window to not allow Accept/Reject on invitations unless an invitation is selected.
- 6. Adjusted the Colony Details window, mouseover of moral, to correctly show the tax penalty to include the special techs TaxRateBeforePen.
- 7. Fixed transports so you are unable to add a unit that is listed for sale.
- 8. Removed client warning about unit loss and 25% tax when you try and remove a unit for sale.
- 9. Fixed a bug were you were unable to undock a unit that was once listed for sale, then unlisted.
- 10. Rolled back the change of the Single unit select HP/Shield bars from Gray when there is no armor/shield as the client doesn't always have that detail.
- 1. Every time you built something the server re-sent you the system details. The client didn't check this and would continue to add to the planets array. Eventually your client might think your lowly star has 1000 planets.
- 2. Fixed Unit Goto planet list duplication.
- 3. When selecting items to build with an engineer, the list of details will now include Cargo Storage.
- 4. Post big-bang, Guild creation and such is corrected.
- 5. Tanks are now born as Ace's and have a CP of just 5.
- 6. Updated Transports interface text to explain that only docked units can be added as a transport.
- 1. Hitting Keys.B when the GTC window is open will close it, just like it does other windows opened via keys.B
- 2. Colony Contents Discard Contents added.
- 1. Fixed an issue that allowed multiple minerals to spawn on the same spot.
- 2. Fixed a 15yr old issue where players who were dead, had to log on, and self destruct to restart instead of the game detecting death.
- 3. Fixed an issue where having only an engineer and no colony would mark you as dead.
- 4. Disabled sending game emails to decayed players. e.g. Title Demotion.
- 5. Fixed server/client to be able to disable certain end-game super special techs. e.g. FoldSpace/Stargates.
- 6. Fixed an issue where players who last viewed an environment that nolonger exists, were unable to load.
- 7. Fixed an issue where if you spawned in a system that nolonger exists, you were marked out of domain and many things silently broke.
- 8. Fixed Release Notes CSS header so the list of release notes (this), when viewed from the game client, wasn't all compacted to 0spacing vertically.
- 9. Remove EULA from splash screen of updater.
- 10. Remove DSE splash screen from game client.
- 11. Unit Behavior window how blocks Warp if the unit can't warp.
- 12. Updated tooltip on Unit Behavior for warp.
- 13. Updated clicing Unit Behavior -> None-Hangar-Engines etc to not just deselect itself if already selected.
- 14. Single unit health status will now show gray blocks instead of the bogus red bars for shield, and the 4s armor arcs, if that unit totally lacks that part.
- 1. Research Lab I was marked as a land unit and would not allow you to power on/off when more then one was selected.
- 2. Fixed mineral bids not correctly showing you were in 1st place.
- 3. Fixed issue where mineral bids were not cleared out when a mineral cache was depleted.
- BIG BANG. The universe has been reset. Except tech is saved.
- 1. Nothing to report. All is well. Play more!
- 1. Critical change. The UpdaterClient has been updated. You must make sure to run as administrator to get the new version. If successful the new updater window caption should read After Protocol Updater (Dec 2019)
- 2. Jan 2020 I am going to move the updater server from a cloud pc, to the actual BP server. This requires a new Updater. Without the new updater, the game wont connect.
- 1. After months of debugging, trial, error; we finally cracked the over-range shooting bug. Units now can't shoot past their radar vis.
- 1. Mineral spawns were getting stuck at 51 concentration due to a RND() error.
- 1. Disabled save/load of tactical data for Pirates. Since they were always visibie it would cause facilities to ghost appear.
- 1. The repair window will not hide buttons, and alert you if the underlying tech is unknown (Some other player, or deleted).
- 2. Any prototype that was deleted, yet there is a unit or facility in existance that uses it has been undeleted.
- 3. I did the same for Hull, Engine, Radar, Shield, Armor, and Weapons.
- 1. Added 12 hour delay to any pirate reward on a rebuilt (colony rebuilder-ai) facility. Initial facilities give rewards right away.
- 2. Reduced rewards from 10/5/2 to 5/2/0.
- 3. Turned on second page of the quick bar, showing Emperor chamber and route manager.
- 1. Senate Emperor Chamber votes now save when they are cast. In the past it was only on a full save downtime or it passed/failed meaning every emperor would be harrassed every few days.
- 1. Global tweek to list boxes, with a scroll bar. The bottom of the scroll bar always overlapped the form horizontal line. This bugged me. I fixed it.
- 1. Colony Stuck Queue. If you have an item, that somehow got into the queue, that is invalid, your queue would stop. The item would also not render in the list. It now does so you can remove it.
- 2. Removed 'Prototype Parts' from colony queue items list.
- 1. When you hit Ctrl-M to disable Mineral Cache display, it also disabled camera scrolling.
- 2. The tool tip for facility power/stats now comma delimits power/jobs/housing stats.
- 3. The rebuilder AI alerts will nolonger be triggered for space stations.
- 1. The client now shows 1000% armor bonus on the facility hull designer.
- 2. The server now properly handles repairs for other facilities that had a built in special trait to armor bonuses.
- 3. Recently added code cause a bug when a foreign environment production alert message was fired while you were still loading the game.
- 1. F6 setting taxes now alerts you if you set taxes too high, including any special tech Tax Rate Without Penalty.
- 2. With #1, the budget window, left frame, will now show you colony population.
- 3. When you receive a production complete message for an environment you havn't visited this session, the name is unknown. It will now fetch the name for subsequent alerts.
- 4. Add Population to the Budget packet, so the tax rate warning there isn't a static "80%" message.
- 5. When repairing armor plates on facilities, you were charged 10x the cost for armor as facilities actually get a 10x bonus. This bonus is now reduced from the repair bill.
- 1. Game client was not honoring the scaled option setting for Pulse FX.
- 2. New agent missions "Audit Power" and "Audit Damage" are now live.
- 3. On the Command Management window, facilities use to color red when < 75%. They now also will color yellow if < 100%.
- 4. Bug on Command Management. After the first unit that had zero armor on a side remaining, it would color that orange, and ABORT the rest of the list.
- 5. Some tweeks to the Transporters interface code.
- 6. Bug fix to transporters when you have a single colony in a solar system.
- 7. Fix to transporters. Each time you transferred something, the colony drop-down would duplicate its entries.
- 1. Trade sell slots now properly shows if you have 255.
- 2. New agent missions, client side only, not yet on server. Audit Power, Audit Damage.
- 1. Player Intel Items (Such as Facilities or Colonies) now show the parent environment name; making mission setup not impossible.
- 2. When archiving or refreshing the agent mission list, the scroll value is preserved.
- 3. Agent mission Get Facility List with a target of space now filters results just upon that space environment.
- 4. Agent intel items such as Colony, Facility, etc., that are destroyed and list as unknown are now auto-set to archived.
- 5. When using a Battlegroup to build on a planet, Enlisted won't be double dipped from the colony also.
- 6. The tool-tip showing armor damage on a unit was (Shield, Front, Left, Rear, Right, Structure). I reversed Right and Rear.
- 1. Minor gfx fix to multi-line text box scroll bar's 'height' and 'top'.
- 1. Fixed submitting a Steal Cargo mission. If you choose a colony as the target, the mission would always error with invalid target.
- 2. Updated the email subject for GetFaclityList and a few others to show the Enviornment name. Also in the results it will show the env name not just the colony name.
- 1. On server startup alloy's queued would error with insufficient resources. This was due to production loading before component caches.
- 2. Clicking repair will toggle the window closed. Hitting R will do the same. When the Command mgmt window is open, it will dock to it like it does on a facility.
- 3. When listing facilities on the Command Management, opening repair, and clicking a different facility; the repair window will stay open and refresh if the new selected unit is damaged, as opposed to always closing the window.
- 4. Cargo units on an auto-pickup debris order will not auto go and pick up minable mineral deposits.
- 5. The demolish button on engineers ran away. I found it and fixed it.
- 1. When logging in, the Requesting Player Details now updates to show you which of 32 steps it's on. (I did this for debugging and decided to leave it.
- 2. When setting a cargo unit to pick up space debris, when complete, if there is debris within 10k visual range it will auto loop and fetch all it can.
- 1. Fixed a null error with fetching Universal Inventory.
- 2. Ditched the local cache file save/load for Universal inventory. When you would open, it would load from your local cache. If the server then had an error and was unable to send you fresh data, you were stuck thinking you were looking at real time data when it was probably very stale.
- 1. Changed graphics options for Pulse from on/off to a slider. Low caps to 10k rendered pulses, medium 50%, high 75%, full=full.
- 1. Do not render Pulse effects now actually does not render them.
- 3. Space turrets increased from 11,500 to 200,000 max size.
- 4. When Mineral Caches are not rendered (CTRL-M), mouseover their spot nolonger shows the tooltip.
- 5. Fixed the missing Weapon Expected Stats second frame when designing.
- 1. Updated game client to .NET 3.5.
- 1. Moved Route Template and Guild from quickbar (hidden) page 2, to page one. Got rid of Senate and Chat Channel config.
- 2. Trade income broke this week. I accidentally commented out what seemed like some fixed date (2009) code, which was required.
- 3. Found a problem causing colonies not to save, so pop growth kept reverting at downtime.
- 4. Fixed the icon for Open a Wormhome. I had reversed X and Y. Lol!
- 1. When you had a single item in the Colony Research Queue, the list of researchers and factories would not populate.
- 1. Fix to designer to allow the Naval check box to be checked when you have the right tech.
- 2. Fix for Tradeposts crashing the client with certain unknown contents.
- 3. Repairing a weapon was apparently always broken. No matter what you repaired, it would then set Aft Weapon 1 back online. This has been corrected, and also the repair time set to 100 ticks like other repairs.
- 1. Added "Designed" and "Researched" option buttons to the tops of designers to flip between the two possible values.
- 000. Still having problems with pre-bonus code. Trysten was missing his Fighter Weapons for some unknown reason. Feature turned off again.
- 1. Weapon 'pre-bonus' bug found. New display released.
- 2. Added close button to the build form.
- 3. Agents got lost in the world of unknown. They have been found!.
- 1. Armor, Radar, Shield, and Engines now show the pre-bonus stat on a researched item. The post bonus stat is in the Production Cost/Expected window.
- 2. Having issues doing this for Weapons. Had some nasty bugs. Weapon version of this disabled for now.
- (STILL BUGGED) 1. The warehouse prototype should now work.
- 1. Added a warehouse to one of the all-users default prototypes. No more guessing that you need a refinery for cargo.
- 2. Default tradeposts nolonger take 3 days to build. It was a database error. They now build in the same timeframe as most buildings.
- 1. BUG: Do not use Colony Queue for Alloys.
- 2. Found a long standing researching of a prototype that might cause it to stick 'assigned', backend thinks its researched, but its not, forever stuck.
- 1. Fixed Colony Queue for alloys showing armor in the list.
- 1. The Command list (Facilities and Units) now allows players access to the Universal tab.
- 2. The Command list, when in planet 2d, selecting a unit will now take you to planet 3d at the unit; like it does in space.
- 3. While working on pirate base spawn. I found where a user might shift-click deploy a base. When one of the buildings fails to build it would not proceed with the others. It now will.
- 4. The Universal command mgmt list will now let you double click on a unit to take you to that environment.
- 1. Lots of progress on Pirate Code. Thanks Alien-Breed for all the help with templates, and Zelitamn for code templating.
- 1. Pirates can now spawn bases. The trick was testing the template versus a spot (4 corners or center) and looking for water, combat, other buildings. Next up for this is the ability for the center one to test the 8 grids in case all corners and center fails.
- 2. Pirate units have been purged and cleaned up. Users are working on some new designs for space patrol.
- 3. TODO: Once a planet base is spawned, create and maintain and local patrol squad.
- 4. TODO: Steal SA idea. When a player moves a unit where the destination is near a Wormhole. Create a small pirate fleet to intercept.
- 5. TODO: Once a pirate has a few bases established. It will create and maintain a space base patrol squad. This squad will see out idle units using a mega radar boat.
- 1. New client bug-fix for making mass alloy.
- 1. You can now rename prototypes. Also any user can rename anything on a Pirate alias.
- 2. You nolonger have to reproto Orbital Mining Platforms. I did this on the backend. All OMP's now have proper and colonists. You still need to rebuild legacy ones to have them produce a valid colony.
- 3. Ancient bug found with BG movement related to BG's stuck in the MilkyWay. You will now be able to give them fresh orders and they will move.
- 4. Colony Queue now supports adding Alloys/Armor to refineries.
- 5. Unit order Stop to Engage will now set a tether point to the initial move to destination. Therefore when combat is complete it will continue on its journey.
- 6. New special tech 'Max trades 255'.
- 1. Unit Order 'Stop to Engage' is now live. Basic functionality for now, it will stop to engage. However it will not resume the move order when targets are nolonger present.
- 2. I hate to say it but Re-Proto your Orbital Mining Platforms. They will nolonger require Power/Housing/Moral and will nolonger spam you with email with low moral. They are just like Space Tradeposts now. A virtual but not real colony inside.
- 3. Big fixes to the Rebuilder AI.
- 1. When the colony issued an order for a new engineer, it would then task that engineer with building something, sometimes prior to it exiting the hanger; and the rebuilder would stop to function.
- 2. Confirmed that if a rebuilder engineer dies, one is rebuilt.
- 3. Found that when a rebuilder either was blocked/insufficient resources, or was successful, it was never able to properly track Skipped versus Rebuilt. This caused the final email never to be delivered.
- 4. Rebuilder AI now correctly sends you a final report showing what was rebuilt and what failed.
- 4. Transporters sending Colonists, Enlisted, or Officers mistakenly checked for cargo room and would error.
- * New Special Techs to round things out.
- 1. (D10.A) Improved Projectile Speed: Projectile ROF Increase 1%
- 2. (D10.B) Enhanced Projectile Speed: Projectile ROF Increase 5%
- 3. (D10.C) Advanced Projectile Speed: Projectile ROF Increase 10%
- 2. Rebuilder AI fixes.
- 1. When the rebuilder is fired and unable to locate or produce an engineer, you will receive a failure email alert.
- 2. More to come...
- 1. The Engine, Radar, Shield, and Radar designers; will show the with bonus values on the left 'input' side for Hull and Power so you dont get confused and have to remember to look at Production Costs on the right.
- 1. Planet to Planet transporters are now live.
- 2. Naval Ability 3 (Acidic Planets) is now live.
- 3. Naval Ability 4 (Moten Lava Planets) is now live.
- 4. Bug with Transporter inventory crashing if you had an alloy in stock.
- * New Special Techs to round things out.
- 1. Projectile Weapon Miniaturization: Projectile Weapon Size Improve 2%
- 2. Improved Projectile Weapon Miniaturization: Projectile Weapon Size Improve 5%
- 3. Advanced Projectile Weapon Miniaturization: Projectile Weapon Size Improve 10%
- 4. Improved Projectile Weapon Coils: Projectile Power Reduced by 2%
- 5. Enhanced Projectile Weapon Coils: Projectile Power Reduced by 5%
- 6. Advanced Projectile Weapon Coils: Projectile Power Reduced by 10%
- 1. Pulse Weapon Miniaturization: Pulse Weapon Size Improve 2%
- 2. Improved Pulse Weapon Miniaturization: Pulse Weapon Size Improve 5%
- 3. Advanced Pulse Weapon Miniaturization: Pulse Weapon Size Improve 10%
- 1. Solid Beam Weapon Miniaturization: Solid Beam Weapon Size Improve 2%
- 2. Improved Solid Beam Miniaturization: Solid Beam Weapon Size Improve 5%
- 3. Advanced Solid Beam Miniaturization: Solid Beam Weapon Size Improve 10%
- 1. Radar Miniaturization: Radar Size Improve 2%
- 2. Improved Radar Miniaturization: Radar Size Improve 5%
- 3. Advanced Radar Miniaturization: Radar Size Improve 10%
- 4. Photonic Radar Detectors: Radar Power Reduced by 2%
- 5. Enhanced Photonic Radar Detectors: Radar Power Reduced by 5%
- 6. Advance Photonic Radar Detectors: Radar Power Reduced by 10%
- 1. Shield Miniaturization: Shield Size Improve 2%
- 2. Improved Shield Miniaturization: Shield Size Improve 5%
- 3. Advanced Shield Miniaturization: Shield Size Improve 10%
- 4. Improved Shield Coils: Shield Power Reduced by 2%
- 5. Enhanced Shield Coils: Shield Power Reduced by 5%
- 6. Advanced Shield Coils: Shield Power Reduced by 10%
- 1. Engine Miniaturization: Engine Size Improve 2%
- 2. Improved Engine Miniaturization: Engine Size Improve 5%
- 3. Advanced Engine Miniaturization: Engine Size Improve 10%
- 1. Improved Lightweight Missiles: Missile Power Reduced by 2%
- 2. Enhanced Lightweight Missiles: Missile Power Reduced by 5%
- 3. Advanced Lightweight Missiles: Missile Power Reduced by 10%
- 1. When destroying a facility that drew a massive amount of power, sometimes the rest of your base would power off. This was a simple race condition where power was recalculated before the lessened draw of the lost facility was taken into account.
- 2. Next client release. Partial fix to allow route templates and routes to save 'Colonists/Enlisted/Oficers'.
- 3. Saving a brand new route template (save button) over and over won't make multiple templates.
- 4. Units on a route now totally ignore a facilities Auto-Launch setting.
- 5. A success mission to capture an agent now sends both parties an email alert.
- 6. Game client nolonger idles out after 30 minutes.
- 7. Agents now auto-spill their owners name.
- 8. Steal Cargo will now search for a building with cargo space, not any random, which means it most likely fails basic tests.
- 9. Sabotage Production and Slow Production now search for a building that is actually producing something.
- 10. Agent missions (Assassinate Governor, Incite Housing Riot, Tax Unrest, and Homeless Unrest) would previously cancel out, code error, all past effects meaning you could only ever have one negative effect, empire wide, from all other players.
- 11. When you acquire foreign tech intel it would overwrite it if you already knew it. It will only ever adjust the level of intel (Name, Details, Full Specs) to a more detailed result.
- 1. When a planet shield is created or destroyed, the client is instantly updated with the new information.
- 2. Bug (Fix next downtime). When you have a facility that requires power way in excess of what the colony produces, and its lost, the DeleteEntity recalculates colony power needs and might power everything off.
- 3. Planet to Planet transporters is almost finished. Last to do is the crazy server code to accept colony to colony transfers.
- 4. After next client release. You will always be able to open the contents/transfer of an OMP even if its unpowered.
- 1. When taking manually from a mineral cache or debris pile, the client will now properly refresh with the remaining quantity.
- 2. Units moved via an AI or Route will now make use of Warp Drives if possible.
- 3. Major combat fix. Some units were setting Next Combat Time to be infinity. Some units were queueing up hit tests but not flagged for in combat.
- 4. Bug, needs server side code: When you build or destroy a Planet Shield it would not update the clients. In fact it would only update the server on restart.
- 1. The mineral research window now allows you to filter alloys.
- 2. Officer / Enlisted production factor now outputs the correct count.
- 3. Docking crazy times and console errors should be fixed once and for all. Found a really renegade piece of code killing things.
- 4. Special DX9 Texture test. Changing from Planet 3d to Planet 2d could cause a lockup when it tried to resize the upper right planet info box. oCanvas.Dispose() was locking up. I tested the code without it, and things seem fine.
06/25/2019 From Hospital 1am :)
- 1. Yesterdays tweek to the mining window rolled back for now.
- 1. Mouse over of planets now show who shields it.
- 2. When on a planet, if its shielded the Orbital Bombing button is disabled and shows Planet Shielded.
- 3. Available Contents window tweeks.
- 4. Tweeks to the background async data saver, now fires once every 30 seconds not every frame. This reduced dock load and unload time from 20s to 0s.
- 5. If you have a cargo ship attempt to unload docked ships, and then dock that cargo ship in some station; the game would spew errors. It will now abort the undock.
- 6. Allow build queues now persist after a server crash/downtime.
- 7. Direct Trade 'Cancel' nosw persists after a server crash/downtime.
- 8. You can no longer attempt to open the mining window outside a planet.
- 1. Pirate universal CR was busted and causing 2 hour undock delays.
- 1. Available Resources did a name sort every 30 seconds. This had special code to pad numbers to aid in sorting. Doing this on > 1000 mineral/alloys known took 20 seconds, every 30 seconds. I disabled the numeric sauce.
- 2. The budget window would not render if you had too much trade income.
- 1. If you have the tech, you can now select Chemical or Magnetic for Bomb payload types.
- 2. Colony Research / Production Queues, fix to Count of facilities to assign to. In the past if you choose more then 1 facilitiy, the queue would only assign the job run to a single facility per server tick (up to 30 seconds). e.g. you choose 10 facilties to build 1 radar. It would assign one.. then a while later another.. Instead it will now loop for each count requested until it either satisfied the order or it cant find a place to research/produce.
- 3. The primary server 'Time to process a single game Tick' was taking quite some time 5-10 seconds. I did some digging and found an excessive call to agent data saving neglecting to test if the agent needed to be saved.
- 4. The grammar police fixed the in-game battle message. 'Battle continues to rage on xxx between aaa and bbb. bbb have lost 0 units, and 10 facilities so far.' s/have/has/ s/,\ and/\ and/
- 5. OMP's now work with Transports. If you want to use an OMP (Orbital Mining Platform) via the transports interface, you need to rebuild it. Any legacy OMPs wont support Transports
- 6. Space station -> Contents -> Transfer now shows 'Requesting...' on the right side if that's why that side is blank
- 6a. TODO: Requesting colony resources is limited to once every 10? seconds. It needs to check if you are requesting a different station, if so, override the seconds delay.
- 7a. Ctrl-A now toggles auto-launch
- 7b. Ctrl-W now toggles the Stargate interface
- Enlisted and Officer Training Factor updates.
- 1. They were never coded server side, nor would they alter the description (Enlisted X10) (Officer x10) on the client side.
- 2. Enlisted base is 10, specials were for 12 and 14. We now have 10, 20, 50, and 100
- 3. Officer base was 5, client always said 10, made 10. Specials were for 6 and 7. We now have 5, 10, 25, 50
- 1. Client now supports WASD (omg yes) for camera controls. This removed the ability for the A key to toggle auto-launch on facilities.
- 2. Universe expansion is disabled.
- 3. New players can now spawn on any Spawn or Respawn. In case there are no spawns left.
- 4. All special techs now have a 100% chance to roll, and are capped at 10 Billion credits.
- 5. All players now have access to the once Claimable (purchased) hulls
- Server downtime complete, was a power blip.
- There are now 4 region processes, not just the one. Unit movement type things will be allot faster now.
- Fixed a bug that prevented any colony facilities to be built if you had negative enlisted/officers.
- Repairing a facility use to use the facilities local/native production rate. Obviously things like housing have a rate of one. I hard set all 'repair' to only need 100 prod points. It appears to be 3-4 seconds per residence. I assume station repairs of docked ships wont take 5 years now.
- GNS is functional again
- Client update. When viewing a facility, the R key now opens the repair window
- Routes. If the destination is a facility but has no built in cargo, the route does not unload to colony cargo stores
- Routes. If the destination has a single hangar door, when the unit docks, the door is taken offline for 30 seconds. This then trips up the unload routing thinking hangar bays are broken
- Routes. If you wanted a unit to unload any cargo, you had to always select some cargo to load. Selecting 'No Items' would break the test to Unload cargo. Only took 10 years for someone (me) to report that unloading was totally FUBAR.
- Server restart to test OMP fixes. Space Stations and Space Tradeposts birth a colony. OMP's never did and are not able to be selected as a destination for Transports, or manual user transfer resources. If success, all OMP's need to be rebuilt, optionally, if you want the corrected functionality
- Routes. Discovered a bug, not yet fixed. I have observed that when units dock at a facility there is a 20% chance they test their next route step before updating their parent object. Therefore if the next step is to load/unload from a facility but they are still flagged as flying around the planet, then it aborts and gets stuck.
- Welcome Back!
- The server is finally alive in my basement datacenter. It took some time to upgrade my network, new IP blocks, vlans etc; and to acquire the old server locked away deep in the bowles of my former employer.
- The question is do we Big Bang the universe? Let me know. Sirparadox@gmail.com
- Completed a daily server downtime; missing facilities issue
- Completed a daily server downtime
- Completed a daily server downtime; as I saw the Email/Chat server was broken.
- Completed a daily server downtime.
- Hosting Changes.
- Pirates attacking a planet will now spawn in space and move to the planet. That way you can defend in orbit.
- Pirates now automatically spawn every 1 to 6 hours. For now only planetary spawns, not station or wormhole spawns.
- Factions are now legacy. All users have an 80% research boost! (or time * 0.2)
- Added hot keys [ and ]. When the colony transfer window is up [ will transfer From the colony, and ] will transfer to the colony.
- Happy 4th of july fireworks celebration.
- Weapon Prod Designer updates
- Added a new window to show Actual results when the weapon is fully researched. (bug) when you view a completed design it would load actual results. With your special tech bonuses it would then change the input values triggering the window to instead show estimated results. You can now see both.
- Added actual display of Hull Used / Power Needed / ROF / DPS / etc
- Production time window now shows time @ best (Naval yard 1578)
- Fold Space arrival location fixed.
- Added spiffy fold space sound effect wheny you confirm their movement
- Lots of corrections to mining facility build ghosts. PLEASE REPORT NEW ISSUES
- Naval mines would always be white, even out of water. But the server would deny the order. (fix) They are now red when out of range.
- Mines too far into liquid would be red. The client would pass the order to the server, but reject it. (fix) The client now barks in agreeance with the ghost color.
- Naval mines on the shoreline are colored white. The client sends this to the server. The server just ignores, no error. (fix) Have the server actually accept this order
- Construction block packets from the server to the client were not always used to trigger a warning / sound effect.
- Fix to multi unit select box, mouse over empty list area.
- Fix to several special bonuses, various hulls give you, not being applied when you choose a non-default texture color/lighting
- Client fix to long BG times, causing interface blink.
- Transport window, dbl click a transport, now plays the click sound.
- Transport window, dbl click a transport, brings orders window to focus instead of behind the transports window.
- Server fixes for FoldSpace. There were no checks to verify all units were in the same space environment, and this lead to half working groups.
- Havoc's Multitex pak files are online.
- If you are having issues with units whitewashed, e.g. Angel, increase your Settings->Lighting Quality from LOW to MED/HIGH.
- Fixed BattleShip maximum hull/thrust from 1,000,000 to 1,100,000 to match the Anubis max size.
- New Mission: Get Faction List.
- Render Mineral Caches nolonger saves to your INI. So it's enabled by default each time you start the game client
- The 'Reward' bubbles durring combat had their texture fixed
- Stargate fixes.
- Primary was telling Region and Client about wormhole death.
- However both were treating the msg as a 'new' object, not a 'find that object and deactivate it'.
- With this code fix stagates will appear and dissappear on queue.
- Testing timeout is still set to 15minutes not 24hrs.
- With this fix, you should never visually see two stargates. Nor should the old one be traversable.
- Also added a new global msg to announce it's destruction.
- Tutorial (!) icons now use a shared player.tut file instead of one per account. No more reeducation when swapping aliases.
- Naval Sub Engines are now able to be larger. Also other naval engines now were tweeked to reach the max hull size.
- High-Density Living Quarters was Missing from the specials tech. It's been added back and drops Hull to People down to 4.
- Stargates (Player Created Wormholes) has been released.
- Select a Space Engineer. In the lower left bar there is a new wormhole icon. (NOTE: This icon has not been released and is blank for now)
- You will get a list of destination systems.
- Stargates last for 24 hours
- Each player can only have one gate active at a time.
- Stargates will open up at the same X/Y coord as the engineer; on both sides.
- To open a gate...
- Bug fix to transports. After removing a transport your sorted list would error and be blank.
- Client release to support StarGates (Player made wormholes)
- Happy B-Day SirParadox!
- Fold Space has been released.
- All units in the group are larger then 100k size.
- The units do NOT re-group. They fold from the exact X-Y location they started at. This can be from multiple locations across the cosmos -> to a single remote star.
- Get Agent List nolonger returns new recruits
- Any unit group will fold if..
- Added Unit AI setting to toggle warp on/off
- Fixed horrible lag that appeared suddenly a few days ago. In the process of debugging it I trimmed much fat off the region process and things ended up now being faster!
- Warp drive has been coded and tested. Warp means instant travel to the destination location within the same solar environment.
- The unit accelerates to above 200spd.
- The move order was human initiated, not a route, or AI command.
- The SingleSelected unit interface now renders the unit current velocity after the ETA.
- Find Mineral mission will now show Planet Infiltration required when you select a planet.
- Any unit will warp if..
- New client patch will re-fetch Transport list after a name change.
- Bombs are now tradeable items
- New Captcha for web account signup
- Transports Mgmt list is now sorted by Transport name, not birth date of the transport.
- Disabled trading of Planet Shields
- You can now override the FrameDefs.dat, ModelDef.dat, and Models.dat files by placing them in the meshes\packer\ directory.
- Planet Shields should now fully work.
- Fixed the code that prevented this.
- I also added the logic to test to verify the strucuture is powered.
- Anyone who had designed an AgentHQ which was converted to the PlanetShield had their designs updated to include the -1m power cost.
- New client patch. This patch allows folks to override Mesh and Texture files.
- When the client goes to load any Mesh or Texture it will first test for a local file.
- You need to extract files into your BP\Textures\Packer\NameOF.Pak or BP\Meshes\Packer\NameOf.Pak directories
- e.g. You want to replace the Corvette mesh file. Simply extract and place a copy of this file in BP\Meshes\Packer\crv.pak\Shark.X
- e.g. You want to replace the Corvette texture file(s). Simply extract and place a copy of this file in BP\Textures\Packer\crv.pak\Shark.bmp
- If you need a copy of these files. Meshes Textures
- Fixed a math/arith abort error when viewing the repair costs of some costly structures.
- Transport routes set to unload Enlisted/Officer/Colonists incorrectly limited the unload amount by how much free cargo space was on the colony. They will now unload exactly what you configure.
- Renamed 2x armor specials to better describe them.
- Added 2x pierce w/o Impact.
- Exploit: Routed units allowed non-atmospheric units to land on a planet.
- Disabled T3 systems full radar visibility.
- Instead we're going to intraduce a ground facility, and space station, that allows the planet owner or system king to see full vis.
- T3 systems now have full radar visibility.
- The claimable interface now shows how many (quantity) of a given reward is remaining.
- Merry X-mas! As a nice reward any player that has logged on in the last 90 days received a claimable of 10,000,000 research points. [Esc][Claim items]. This can be used repeatedly until depleated.
- Prescience (End Game Tech) has been coded, and unlocked. "Telepaths have been hooked up to a machine that allows it to use their abilities to search in the future for anything that might affect your empire." aka Battlegroup movements (for now.. ideas wanted)
- Pirates continue to be coded.
- They now will call in reinforcements if they are killed. One wave rank up.
- Each wave will time out after 15 minutes, and the pirates will become bored and move on.
- If they don't get bored, and you keep killing, they will stick around for a max of 30 minutes.
- Pirate units are MUCH stronger as I hijacked some player designs.
- (End-Game Tech)
- We talked over End-Game tech and Fuel. We decided Fuel was to be an ORE. This ore is looted from Pirates, or mined from super rare veigns on select planets.
- When you use an end-game tech (Warp - FoldSpace - Etc) you will need this fuel in cargo.
- HyperSpace is now coded and released. Battlegroup unit movement will be 1/10th the time. No fuel is required. In fact I'm not sure I even like the idea of Fuel at all.
- WarPoint system dusted off. The client will now render the little dmg bubbles. For now it uses the classic WPV system. Soon it will simply render all damage your units land on an enemy.
- Clear Tactical Data is now available in space
- Destroyer engine max size raised from 44k to 47k
- Motherboard swapped out. Server ram doubled.
- UnitGroups and Colony names, when set, will survive an unsafe downtime.
- Chat Client, now saves username/password.
- New Release Notes page
- Trade Buy/Sell orders are now saved immediatly and will survive server crashes.
- MOTD is now multi-line
Week of 10/07/2012
- OMP routes will now propery undock
- Soft Restarts. Region, PF, and Mail server can now die and restart without having to restart the entire universe.
- Trimmed down Region Load time by 15-20%
- Trimmed down Primary load time by 2-4 minutes.
- Pirate Testing! Thar be pirates!
- Manual spawn for now
- Tested wave strength
Week of 09/30/2012
- Client fix to Pulse Compression maxing at 255 when viewing a finished design.
- Many items posted to GNS now broadcast in-game.
- Promotions / Demotions
- Pirate Attacks
- Colony Destroyed (With reason)
- TODO: Still finishing the War Tracker posts.
OLD NOTES - 2009
- User Interface
- The AI Settings window maximize button will now be more intelligent on where it is placed when multiple units are selected
- Fixed Senate message board
- Tutorial users can now only see Aurelium based trades
- Added a 'This Star Only' checkbox to filter trades
- Increased Prototype designer's drop-down box widths to fix long component names
- Fixed 'Trade Agreements need attention' and blink which included in-progress trades
- Fixed Explanation points after Alias login switch
- Command Points were not updating in all views
- Available Resources now refreshes after changing environments
- Fixed a bug that caused Colonists, Enlisted, and Officers to display as (1) unknown in a ships cargo hold
- Fixed a bug that caused Colonists, Enlisted, and Officers to show as unknown on the transfer screen.
- Senate Proposal - V1 - Improvement Package - Passed on 03/12/2009
- Players who use Self-Destruct will be awarded their death budget
- This is part one of this package, the remainder will be implemented in a later patch
- Senate Proposal - Chamber Changes: Proposal Management - Passed on 03/23/2009
- Emperors are now limited to 10 proposals in the Emperor's Chamber
- Priority level is now displayed in the Senate window for Emperor's Chamber
- Emperors who have not set a Priority level will not effect the Priority Level of the proposal
- Added a Message Board for the Emperor's Chamber
- Senate Proposal - Senate UI Update - Passed on 04/01/2009
- Voting End Date is now a column in the Senate window
- Voting End Date is the default sort method for the Senate Window
- Added a "Historical" tab on the Senate window for viewing historical senate proposals
- Tradepost Range Limits
- The tradepost range limit special projects have been disabled from the cloud
- Players now get tradepost range unlimited from the beginning
- Players who selected tradepost range unlimited for their guaranteed special project will be prompted to select a new project
- Help System
- Adjusted the formatting of some categories
- Added the Support Category for getting technical support
- F12 now opens the in-game New Email window and fills the "To" box with Support if the player is logged in
- F12 will open the Help window and show how to get technical support if the player is not logged in
- Agents
- Fixed a bug that would not allow missions to be paused
- When viewing an old mission, the "Pause Mission" Button will display as "Repeat Mission" and will create a new mission with all of the assignments of the old mission
- Find Mineral Missions now have the numeral of the planet where the cache is found in the name of the waypoint
- Miscellaneous
- Fixed an issue with the Contents window displaying the incorrect count of units
- Ctrl Groups now save the local file when they are set
- Fixed an issue with downtime causing unit routes to forget their Unload command
- The Emperor chat channel now follows the Senate channel color rules in the external chat client
- Hitting F4 with the trade window open now closes it
- Email contacts is now sorted
- Double click a contact adds that to the current email To
- Spread out the galaxy map view to make it easier to navigate
- Game Assistant
- Introduced a new system of helping new players get into the game
- As players do particular activities, "Exclamation Points" will appear prompting the player to click on them for more information
- Clicking the item will open the Help window and show the specific item related to the item being talked about
- Mining Window
- Scroll to position is now preserved post Building / Deleting (refresh) of the list
- Double clicking a mine while in Planet Map View takes you to the Planet View as expected
- Miscellaneous
- Hanger now shows unit counts. Sort is by unit count as the previous 'sort by name' didn't function and will be repaired at a later time
- Added Galaxy map option to disable Star Label Falloff
- Added hotkeys to toggle [P]ower and [A]uto-launch
- You can now build Enlisted / Officers after switching aliases
- Added/updated many items in the Help system (thanks Trifler)
- Senate Proposal - Prototype Weapon Config Display - Passed on 03/16/09
- The Expected Results display of the Prototype Builder now indicates what the configuration of the weapon is for weapons
- The Actual Results display of the Prototype Builder now indicates what the configuration of the weapon is for weapons
- Senate Proposal - Galaxy Map Improvements - Passed on 03/03/09
- System names now scale in brightness based on distance from the currently selected system
- The system tooltips now provide more detailed information about the system currently hovered over
- Senate Proposal - Weapon Group Controls - Passed on 02/25/09
- Added Three Checkboxes to the Orders Management window
- If one of the boxes is not checked, the correlating weapon group will hold fire (Primary, Secondary or Point Defense)
- Senate Proposal - Prop SP02 - External Chat Client - Passed on 03/13/09
- The ChatClient.exe application has been included with the client
- You cannot be logged into the chat client and the game at the same time
- While logged into the chat client, you are logged into the game (invulnerability will go down)
- Miscellaneous
- Made some server-side modifications to improve server downtimes
- Facility Production queues are now limited to 25
- The Engine Builder no longer locks the Colonists, Enlisted and Officers fields for facility or space station engines
- Senate Proposal - Relation Drop Countdown Display - Passed on 03/09/09
- The Diplomacy Window now displays a countdown timer for when the next relationship drop will occur
- Tutorial Changes
- The tutorial now stops after killing the turrets and places the player into the Aurelium system where it continues the remainder of the tutorial
- The placement into the Aurelium system does not require the player to restart the client - we may expand this feature to the contingency plan
- Your Aliases Changes
- Your Aliases Window now positions correctly on initial load
- Fixed game client caption when changing Aliases
- E-Mail and Credits display now load after switching aliases
- UI Changes
- Fixed a bug with the Colony Production window not working properly when no research facilities are in the current colony
- Mission creation window no longer closes when the status of an ongoing mission changes
- Your Aliases Window movement now moves the parent Player Alias configuration window
- Mineral Bid Window movement now moves the parent Mining window
- Space Station Module window movement now moves the parent Build Window
- Agent Window positions are now preserved. (Create Mission, View Mission Details, and View Agent Details)
- The Direct Trade window now displays the GTC Tax associated with the Direct Trade
- Changed the Direct Trade tax to be 30% of the maximum credits transfer instead of 30% of the total credits transfer
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would not obey the All Internal Emails option of the game
- A bug was fixed for internal emails being sent without a new line between the body and the sent by
- The previous Aurelium CP Penalty change was only one way so that the Initiator of a war dec was penalized. Now, if the target of a war dec is over the 24 hour time, they too are penalized.
- Fixed an issue where ordering a research facility to research a mineral that results in an insufficient resources will no longer place the facility in a "stuck" state
- Miscellaneous
- Emails sent in-game to Support will result in an external email being sent to Support
- The Emperor channel chat now uses 'Senate Chat' color
- The DEL key now only responds when you'd expect it to
- Senate Timelines
- Due to scheduling issues and other restrictions, development in the past few weeks has been 100% senate and 0% normal development. Therefore, we are going to take a drastically conservative approach towards deadline assessment for new senate proposals.
- The Senate Proposal "Explosions!" has been pushed back to an estimated delivery of 4/13/2009
- The Senate Proposal "Logging Sensors" has been pushed back to an estimated delivery of 4/13/2009
- We will begin assessing estimated delivery dates when the proposal nears the end of its voting cycle - this will impact existing proposals as we move forward
- Senate Proposal - Production Queue Improvement - Passed on 03/02/09
- When a facility is low on mineral resources, it will no longer skip the current production item
- Every minute (60 seconds) afterwards, the facility will attempt to build the item again, otherwise it will pause and wait
- The Low Resources alert should happen only the first time a facility is low on resources before starting production again
- If a facility has a low resources, then begins building again, and then has another low resources, the alert will be sent
- Senate Proposal - CP Penalty In Aurelium - Passed on 03/06/09
- Players in Aurelium can now incur a CP Penalty for war declarations
- For every 24 hours of played time, the initiator of a war declaration will incur a +1 CP penalty
- Senate Proposal - Shared Unit Vision (2nd) - Passed on 03/05/09
- Players of a guild with Share Unit Vision enabled will now be able to see what guildmate units/facilities can see
- The Fog of War on planets now includes the vision of guild mates
- Radar blips for planet map view, system strategic map view and system tactical map view now use the colors specified by Identification colors in the Options window
- Guild units will assist each other
- Senate Proposal - Alias Connection Manager - Passed on 02/24/09
- A New window appears when viewing the Aliases Configuration window
- This window will allow for quick switching to aliases that the player belongs to
- This window will also allow the player to see what rights they have for those aliases
- Miscellaneous
- Hotfix - The View Bank Log rank permission now appears in the guild setup and guild Structure screens
- Fixed tanks built in the tutorial so that they move again
- Increased the speed of the tanks in the tutorial
- Budget window scroll position is now preserved per session
- Currently selected star now correctly resets to the current environment when you change environments
- Added "Consider Unlocking" to the Colonists, Enlsited and Officers Error messages
- Mining Bid window had the right side off screen protection swapped for if a bid window was present or not
- Added commas to the the Engineer's Build list 'BUILD COSTS', Power, Jobs, Housing, Research ability, and Production factor
- The Resistance values in the Armor builder have been updated to be more precise as to what their function is
- The Production Status bar will only appear for selected units and facilities that are able to produce
- Special Project Research Window
- Expanded the size of the Research Costs panel
- Window position is now preserved
- Fixed a bug that would cause the display to get confused to what projects were in the queue when bringing back bypassed projects
- Swapping bypassed techs works properly again
- Attempting to swap a bypass when all three special slots were busy researching will now display an error instead of an empty bypass box
- After swapping a tech, the list selection is reset to no longer confuse the user if they hit Bypass again and it barks
- Colony Production Management Window
- Facilities in the colony production management screen now sort by prod factor and then by name
- Window position is now preserved
- Production Facilities no longer appear to take into account faction bonuses in the colony production management screen
- Facilities will no longer be assigned production of units if the hangar of the facility is inadequate or if the hangar doors are inadequate for the unit's hull
- Guilds
- Fixed a bug where taxes would not be set or deducted correctly for guilds
- Added tax configuration options on the Structure tab of the guild window for adjusting tax rates
- Fixed a bug where taxes would not be added to the guild's treasury
- Miscellaneous
- The game client will now indicate the currently logged in user upon successful login
- Mineral Sorting for Unknown minerals adjusted to be in alpha-numerical order
- Senate Proposal - Colony Production Queue Window - Passed on 02/17/2009
- Added 2 buttons at the top of the window for toggling between Production and Research
- Changed many labels to handle the different toggle states
- When viewing the Colony Production Management screen, a Quantity box will appear
- The Colony Production Management window will display a list of all components that can be built, a list of units and facilities
- Factories, spaceports and shipyards will appear in the window when viewing Production of the colony
- Senate Proposal - Guild Improvement Package 2 - Passed on 02/20/2009
- Added a new tab in the Guild window for Finances
- The new Finances tab includes a log of all guild bank transactions
- Added an indication of the last guild taxes collection
- Tax Rate configuration for ranks was not implemented on this release and is planned on a release later in the day today or tomorrow
- Galaxy View
- Implemented a new interface in galaxy view that will allow players to find systems by name
- When entering Galaxy View, the view will center on the current system
- Added ability to toggle wormhole lines
- Added ability to toggle Battlegroup movement lines
- Clicking a system in Galaxy View now highlights it
- Double-clicking a system in Galaxy View now changes environments to that system
- Currently selected system will show a different color, blink and show a box around it
- Mouseover of a system will display distance from the currently selected system
- Defendable Facilities
- Begun taking steps to make bases more defendable
- Greatly reduced the mineral costs for facility projectile weapons
- Greatly reduced the production time for facility projectile weapons
- Greatly reduced the power usage for facility projectile weapons
- Greatly reduced the credit cost for facility radars
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that would cause units to end up moving through space
- Special projects that have been Bypassed can be returned to the queue if there is empty slots in the queue
- Fixed a graphical glitch where burn marks on objects would appear above in random locations
- Fixed an issue where the server would sometimes get confused to how much CP was used in an environment
- Jamming Ability "System Degradation" is available at the beginning as originally intended
- The Contents window for cargo is no longer available for facilities
- The prototype builder will no longer allow designs for space stations or space defense facilities that require more power than they produce
- Added a count to the top of the agent list, for example, Agents (0)
- Several Mineral caches that were stacked on top of each other should no longer be stacked on top of each other, to be fair, all caches were moved that were in a stacked situation
- Various fixes to the Quickbar icons blinking feature
- Senate Proposal - Prop 11 - Tradepost list re-organization - Passed on 02/18/2009
- Changed the order of the Tradepost list in the Trade Main screen to be ordered by environment instead of colony
- Hotfix
- Fixed two planets in Aurelium that were considered "out of bounds"
- Fixed the Colony Research Management window so that it will allow scrolling
- Fixed the Repair All button to work as intended
- Hotfix
- Orbital Bombardment no longer requires a unit to see the target in order for the target to die
- Senate Proposal - Improved Hangar/Launch Interface - Passed on 02/13/2009
- Expanded the Size of the Contents window
- Contents are now displayed as a treeview
- Contents are grouped by unit design (called Categories)
- Units are now sorted in the lists
- Added a base root item All Units
- Selecting "All Units" and clicking Launch All will launch all units in the hangar
- Selecting a category (unit design group header) and clicking Launch All will launch all units of that type
- Added a quantity box so that players can launch a specific quantity of units when Clicking Launch
- Added a Cancel Launch button
- Selecting "All Units" and clicking Cancel Launch will cancel the launch order of all units in the hangar
- Selecting a category (unit design group header) and clicking Cancel Launch will cancel the launch order of units in that category
- Added a Repair All button at the top of the interface
- Selecting "All Units" and clicking Repair All will begin complete repairs of all units in the hangar
- Selecting a category (unit design group header) and clicking Repair All will begin complete repairs of all units of that type in the hangar
- Selecting a unit in the list and clicking Repair All will begin complete repairs of that unit
- User Interface Improvements
- Added commas to many windows including the Available Resources, Tech Builders, Contents, Transfer and Trade windows
- The format of the Available Resources window has been updated to be easier to read and scan through
- Research Main window now keeps the previously expanded items expanded
- In the Special Projects window, Bring Back Design will now display centered as intended
- Bypassed techs no longer display in the Colony Research window as researchable projects
- When selecting a research lab in the Colony Research window, previously selected labs are now unselected
- Production and Research Cost windows in the Weapon Builder are now pushed to the right to no longer block other windows
- Weapon Builder's Weapon Appearance box will no longer be randomly placed when viewing Universal designs
- Tradepost list in the Trade window sorts - This is the first pass of the Senate Proposal Tradepost List Sorting
- Opening the trade window automatically selects the tradepost for the current environment
- The Budget window now preserves what is expanded from the previous view
- Senate Proposal - Warehouse I Hull Upgrade - Passed on 2/12/2009
- The Warehouse I Hull has been given a special trait to give a +200% cargo capacity bonus
- Existing designs for this hull have been updated
- Warehouse hull now has a specific category in the command window
- The Warehouse I Hull now indicates the special trait properly
- Senate Proposal - Prop 2 - Radar and weapon range views - Passed on 2/11/2009
- Pressing Alt with a unit or facility selected will display three circles around the selection
- One circle is the visible range of the selection and is white
- One circle is the detection range of the selection and is gray
- One circle is the range of the weapon with the highest range on the selection and is red
- This appears in Planet View
- This appears in System View
- This appears in System Tactical View
- This appears in Planet Map View
- User Interface
- Selected units and facilities will now flash
- Settings have been added to Graphics -> Gameplay that will adjust how selection flashing works
- Emails should be sorting again
- Implemented a quick fix for the Guild Internal Affairs screen for proposals not appearing after relogging
- "New Vote Proposal Details Available." no longer spams when viewing Guild Internal Affairs
- Tutorial
- Fixed the tutorial so that it no longer makes the user feel as though a refinery is required for mining
- The tutorial no longer mentions "turrets" when on step 6-40
- Removed the reference to "turrets" on step 4-151
- Senate Proposal - Emperors Chamber Improvements - Passed on 2/10/2009
- Emperors can only have 2 active proposals in the Emperor's Chamber
- The Emperor's Chamber now displays Endorse or Veto
- The Proposal's creator can delete the proposal while it is in the Emperor's Chamber
- The Proposal's Creator can change the proposal while it is in the Emperor's Chamber
- When changing a proposal, all endorsements and vetos are reset to Abstain
- When a proposal is altered, a message is added indicating its alteration
- If more than 50% of the Emperors Veto a proposal, and the proposal's creator is no longer a member of the Emperor's Chambers, the proposal is deleted
- Added a selectable proposal priority for proposals in the Emperor's Chamber
- Proposal selection for movement to the Senate Floor is now based on the following:
- Proposal Endorsements - the proposal must meet the required endorsement count
- Average Proposal Priority - the average of all priority assignments by those that endorse the proposal
- First Proposed - in the case of a tie in Average Proposal Priority, the first proposed proposal will be moved to the Senate Floor
- Miscellaneous
- Removed unused hull type listings if the player does not have any entries in the hull type
- Fixed a bug with 200k Thrust showing an empty Battleship Type in the Hull Designer
- Units coming to the aid of units in combat works more reliably
- Fixed some additional crash bugs
- Senate Window Fixes
- Fixed a performance issue when a proposal is selected in the Senate window
- The required vote count now updates more reliably in the senate window
- The Senate button on the Quickbar now flashes when the player needs to vote on legislation
- Miscellaneous
- Fixed a bug where the incorrect mineral cache is displayed when mining causing the bid window to never populate
- Fixed a bug where units could not make first contact in space in some situations
- Fixed a typo in the Emperor's Chambers related to the Proposal Endorsements label
- Available Resources Window
The Available Resources window now refreshes automatically when it is opened - Fixed a bug introduced in a previous patch where space station cargo would be displayed when viewing another selection or environment
- Miscellaneous
- Fixed a bug where claimable hulls would be poor designs when using a different skin for the hull
- Added some logic to fix an issue that sometimes occurs when in the builder windows that would not display the full screen image in the background
- Tradeposts and Command Centers no longer appear in the list of tradeable facilities for Direct Trades
- Designs with values that do not equal 100 evenly (such as 2450) will no longer be raided by pirates if their suggested crew and total crew match
- Emperors now auto-join the Emperor's channel
- Fixed a bug that would cause some player's to not be able to access their emails
- Tutorial
- Made additional modifications to the Tutorial so that players do not get stuck with the inability to set their death budget to 100,000,000
- Unlocked the contingency plan area in the tutorial so that any numbers can be entered
- Crash Fixes
- Fixed a variety of crash issues and continue to work with the crash reports that are coming in
- Made further logging adjustments to track down crashes
- Senate Window
- Added the delivery estimate date/time to the description of proposals that make it to the Senate Floor
- Proposals on the Senate Floor now display the Vote Start and Vote End dates
- The number of votes needed for a proposal to pass endorsement or overall is displayed
- Hot Fix Patch
- Fixed an issue where the contents would display X / 0 for items that were archived/deleted/traded
- Fixed an issue with the left side of the transfer window showing stacks of contents (without transferring)
- Fixed an issue where units that were traded would not display as taking hangar space in the contents window
- Fixed another issue where mines could not be built on the edge of the map
- Transfer/Available Resources Windows
- Fixed a display bug where transferring items to units in a hangar would display all of their cargo in the same unit
- The Available Resources window now works properly for space stations
- Graphics
- Star color now influences the lighting of a planet more
- Star Color accentuates facilities more
- Multiple stars in a system now emit light properly
- Sky colors are now based on the star(s) color for that system
- Gameplay
- Fixed a bug where players under full invulnerability would still give trade income to allies
- Fixed a bug with the prototype builder when viewing results and toggling the Filter checkbox
- Mining facilities should now be able to be placed near the edge of the map
- Found a bug that would cause some routes to stop during server downs. The problem may still exist and we are working to remedy the remaining route issues on server down.
- Found an issue that would cause very strange behavior for units. One such symptom was that certain targets would no longer take damage. AI of units may also be effected by this change.
- Miscellaneous
- Fixed several more crash bugs
- When setting a battlegroup's destination, right-click no longer immediately cancels the set destination and will not cancel the destination when rotating the map
- Players in the tutorial should now always be able to get 100 million death budget
- Removed the verbage "We had difficulties with the overall design" as it was misleading players to believe that the design was not a valid design
- Crash Bugs
- Fixed a bug that would cause crashing while logging in
- Fixed a bug that would cause crashing related to the water/lava rendering system likely when changing environments
- Added additional logging in an attempt to find certain crash bugs when changing environments
- Fixed several other crash bugs
- Battlegroups
- Teams of the GITR (Galactic Interstellar Travel Rescue) have found many vessels in deep space and have helped them get to their final destination. Units recently lost in system to system movement have finally made it to their destination.
- Additional logic has been added to prevent units from being lost in space
- Outage
- Fixed a bug on the server that caused the 'outage' on 01/19/09 from 6 AM ET (11 AM GMT) to the planned downtime. This outage caused most players to be unable to log in to the game. We apologize for the inconvenience of the downtime and are making plans to ensure that such downtimes are avoided in the future.
- Route Templates
- Added a new window for managing Route Templates
- Access this window from the Route Configuration window for any unit. Another method of access will be added at a later date.
- Configuring templates is just like normal route configuration except that the template can be defined without a unit selected and between changing environments
- Templates can be assigned to a group of units and those units can begin execution from the template screen
- Templates can be saved and loaded in the Route Configuration window
- Colonists, Enlisted and Officers are now options in both the Route Template window and the Route Configuration window
- Miscellaneous
- Added additional logging to the client when it crashes in order to find and remove the remaining crash bugs
- In most cases, the client will attempt to send us the crash report automatically
- In some cases, the client will not be able to send us the crash report
- In all cases (except those outside of the control of the program), the client will save the crash report in the Beyond Protocol folder as a CrashLog*.txt file. Send files like this to support@darkskyentertainment.com.
- Found and fixed another issue where players are able to view the names of units/facilities that belong to other players
- Found and fixed an issue that would cause newly spawned planets to not show their minerals
- Water no longer goes transparent when non-water items are selected to be built
- Fixed a bug where repairs in certain stations and other facilities would cost substantially more credits than expected
- Fixed a crash bug that would sometimes occur when drag selecting a group of units
- Fixed a crash bug that would sometimes occur when hovering over a mineral cache
- Made some changes to the "sphere" on the builder screens in an attempt to make it so that it is not black
- Found and fixed some crash bugs that were caused when changing environments
- Added additional logging to the client when it crashes in order to find and remove the remaining crash bugs
- Tutorial
- Fixed the placement of the tutorial window when on the builder steps
- The notification window will automatically hide while in the builders giving access to needed screen space
- Removed the I'm Stuck button from certain portions of the tutorial where using it would cause the player to end up worse off
- Miscellaneous
- Improved the spawn logic so that players coming from Aurelium will not spawn in non (S) systems
- The beginning Command Center is now the proper hull size making it vulnerable to attacks from weapons that should be able to hit it
- Added additional safety checks to insure that player's CP limits load correctly between server downs
- Miscellaneous
- Fixed a bug where some video cards would default to Very Low Model texture resolution. Make sure you check your Graphics settings. Most cards should be set to Normal or higher.
- The Megamouth's selectable types are now Space and Atmosphere only
- Age of intelligence reports are no longer displayed as negatives
- Fixed a bug that would cause the client to freeze when initiating the contingency plan
- Fixed a bug where players coming out of Aurelium would sometimes spawn in non (S) systems
- Hot fix
- Fixed the budget window so that it will sort again
- Fixed a bug with red dwarf stars that emitted blue light
- Exploit Fix - Huge thanks to Anxcon and SirParadox for finding, providing adequate steps and helping us to fix an exploit with Direct Trade timing being immediate.
- Routes
- Routes can now be configured through wormholes. Be sure to plot them on the return path or they will stop at the end.
- Fixed a bug that would result in routes suddenly and intermittently stopping
- Battlegroups
- Battlegroups that had units removed from the group have had their units re-added
- Units that had not arrived when the battlegroup arrived have been placed in the destination system. Those that could not be placed in the destination were returned to the origin.
- Found another issue that caused battlegroup units to get removed from the battlegroup in transit
- Budget Window
- Fixed the sorting on the budget window to not go whacky on various intervals
- Fixed the scrollbar on the budget window to be more accurate to the visible items in the budget window
- In-Game Emails
- Found a bug that would cause emails to be lost after a downtime
- Restored lost emails as much as was possible. Please be aware that a lot of gameplay-related email msgs were included. Please verify the date before posting issues.
- Bug Fixes
- Believe to have found and fixed the 'star bug' which is the bug that occurs when units changing from planet to system show up at the system's star.
- Found an issue that would cause players to continue attacking after setting the other player to non-war
- Colonists, enlisted and officers now save in the cargo of units between server downs. This will begin in tomorrow's downtime.
- Fixed a bug that would cause units to go off in some random direction and when the environment is reloaded, the units are somewhere else moving back to the destination
- Fixed a bug that would cause the game to lock up or take an extreme amount of time to change environments
- When a player reaches the step in the tutorial where they wait for an email from the agent, it will send the email
- Fixed a bug where players would spawn in the water/liquid in Aurelium and be stuck
- Battlegroup Movement Alert
- It has been determined that the bug where units are stuck in deep space during system to system movement of a battlegroup is still showing its face. What we need is for players who have sent a battlegroup since the new year to a new system to post in the Important: Battlegroup movement thread on the forums. For the time being, avoid sending large amounts of important assets using the Battlegroup system to system movement method. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope to resolve the issue immediately.
- Build Window Changes
- Expanded the Height of the Build window for both unit and facility construction
- Removed the Available Resources button
- Repositioned the elements of the Build window to provide easier use
- Budget Window
- The default for mouse wheel events is now the main body of budget items instead of the agent budget area
- The budget window now acts more like a treeview. Items are grouped by solar system
- Sorts occur inside the individual solar system lists
- User Interface Changes
- NEW! Only the last 15 days worth of trade history will now be displayed. This should resolve issues some players were having where they were unable to view trade history.
- Trade Income generated by allies in the Budget window is now summed together in the Trade Income label
- Agent and Mission Management window now displays the agent's infiltration type in the Status display
- When Viewing an Agent, the Status indicates the Infiltration Type for the agent
- The budget window will now remember the sort order you have chosen for the session
- The infiltration list in the Agent window now sorts by name
- The target list in creating an agent mission now sorts by name
- Relogging is no longer required for the Environment Display window to indicate CP penalties in effect. It is on a timed interval.
- A tooltip for the Total housing now indicates the max population supported by the residentials of the colony in the Colony Stats window.
- Guild members now receive messages when other guild members log on or off
- Added the confirmation box on the Budget window for setting the tax rate too high
- The colony stats window is now more intelligent as to what will cause a negative morale impact related to taxation
- Many special projects have had their text changed to be in line with the rest of the game
- Routes
- Added an Unload Cargo checkbox to the routes action list. Checking the box indicates that the unit will unload all cargo upon arrival. Leaving the box unchecked will cause the unit to not unload cargo.
- Added "Do Not Load Cargo" as an option to the route action list. This will cause the unit to not load any cargo of any type.
- Gameplay
- NEW - Fixed a bug where engineers would get 'stuck' and unable to build further items if it was queued to build items and then did not have sufficient resources for those items
- Fixed a bug with space stations costing more Homeworld Expense than normal when a lot of modules were contained within the station
- Space Stations are now properly effected by Facility Point overage in the system they are placed
- Fixed Area Effect Jamming in the radar builder
- Fixed a bug where Repairing would take 10 armor even though the armor repaired was not worth 10 plates of armor
- Removed the FAQ_CSR channel and made General the default channel for players regardless of player status
- Production Completed Alerts for Enlisted and Officers can be turned off manually as a quick fix for those facing insanity. To do so:
- In BPClient.ini, add a section called [NOTIFICATIONS]
- Under that section add an entry PersonnelProductionComplete=0
- Save and close. Run the game.
- Note: Further changes will be made to the system. This is a temporary fix until the actual fix can go in.
- Stability
- Fixed some instability issues when changing environments
- Fixed a lockup issue when the device was lost in some cases. This was noticeable when changing environments very quickly however it could happen during screen savers, alt-tabs, etc..
- If an error occurs when attempting to initiate the sound device, the application will now longer crash
- Miscellaneous
- Fixed a bug that would cause certain mineral caches to decrease their concentrations very quickly
- Fixed a bug where things built in the previously viewed environment would appear in the currently viewed environment
- Fixed a bug where units would have to have their build queue manually cleared before being able to receive new queue orders
- Fixed a bug where adding build queue items to a unit would cancel its current construction
- Homeworld Supply
- The GTC have decided to tax the powers of the galaxy. This new tax is called the Homeworld Supply.
- The expense is based solely on the population of the colony
- The expense will go down to 0 as the population increases
- Your homeworld is defined as where your invulnerability will come up at
- Planets in the same system as your homeworld will not be effected by the supply cost
- Planet Ownership
- Planet ownership is now removed when a player initiates the Contingency Plan
- Planet ownership is now removed when the colony belonging to the owner is destroyed
- Senate Window
- Proposals in the senate will not change back to 0 / 0 when clicked on
- The number of votes are now For / Against and the Against is no longer negative
- The list of votes for the proposal now indicate direction of the vote as well as an indicator that the list can be expanded
- The list of votes is now titled Proposal Votes when looking at a proposal on the Senate Floor
- The Add Message button is more evident that it must be clicked before typing a message
- Submitting a vote will now refresh the vote status display
- Combat Bugs
- Fixed another issue that would cause messages from the server to no longer be received by the player. Thanks Madoc for the help.
- Fixed a bug where Stay Dock During Battle would not allow units to dock in hostile environments
- Component Builders
- Moved the Suggested Crew indicator in the hull builder to the same location it is in the Prototype builder
- The Alloy Builder now indicates that a desired value must be selected before proceeding
- Adjusted facility Projectile and Missile weapons
- The Hull Builder window now displays the power usage of the hull while designing it
- A warning will display in the Hull Builder when the remaining space is insufficient for crew
- Miscellaneous
- The time penalty for joining a guild after leaving/being removed from one is now 3 days instead of 7
- The FR channel is now always available
- Inactive accounts can no longer be aliased into. Thanks to Nytran for helping us with this one.
- Miscellaneous
- The budget window has a checkbox that will permit players to see the effects of the upcoming Homeworld Supply Line patch.
- Battlegroups that were supposed to be fixed in the downtime this morning will be fixed in the downtime at 12/28/08 5 AM ET.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed some issues with the way sound files were being packaged that would cause crashes on machines with certain sound cards
- Weapons purchased from other players and then used on prototypes now correctly display that they are consuming power and hull
- Emails should be sorted in date received descending order now
- Fixed a bug that would cause Battlegroups to not begin their inter-system traversal. Battlegroups stuck already should be resolved in tonight's downtime.
- The email window will remember its position when deleting emails instead of scrolling to the top each time
Fixed a bug that would allow more units to load into a hangar than allowed- Fixed a bug with Trades going into negative ETA's. This fix is expected to clear old trades in tonight's downtime.
- Bug Fixes
- NEW - Space Stations are no longer limited in population by the structural hitpoints of the station - they are still limited in module count.
- Double-clicking elements in a battlegroup works properly now
- Fixed a bug that was causing the environment display to show as though you were still in the previous environment when in actuality you were not. This may affect several other bugs such as wormholes not appearing, etc...
- Fixed a display bug in the Prototype Builder's Expected results that would display more hull used than was actually available when using Point Defense weapons
- Fixed a bug where double-clicking stations in the budget window would not focus on the station
- Fixed the placement of facilities near wormholes to be closer but not too close
- Facilities built close to a wormhole now appear lower than the wormhole so that the wormhole is still accessible
- Emergency Patch
- Players who are at war but have gone to peace between server downs will now have their units stop firing when they go to peace
- The seven day penalty for leaving a guild now affects players who are trying to form a new guild
- Fixed additional bugs with the seven day penalty for leaving a guild that permitted players to join guilds still
- Players who had gone to live from Aurelium prior to this morning's patch will now have the non-live players removed from their list
- Combat
- Corrected bug which allowed missiles to target units too small for the missile's ability
- Explosion radius of bombs is more effective
- We have engaged the enemy identifies where in the message
- Our units are under attack identifies where in the message
- GreatCovenant discovered an exploit that allowed war declaration rules to be ignored and that exploit has been patched
- Fixed a bug when declaring war between two players the game would not cause both players to be at war
- Gameplay
- Refinery produces armor now at 10x speed
- Facilities receive a +50 PD accuracy bonus
- When a player loses their last colony, they do not have the ability to keep captured agents and they therefore escape
- If user has not logged in for 7 days, captured agents are released to owner
- Given that this game has six years of game content, we decided that Full Invulnerability will not stop a special from continuing its research.
- Fixed a max faction calculation display bug
- Ctrl-T sets a tether point for units provided they are not moving. Without the tether point, the unit will not use tether logic. Ctrl-Shift-T clears those tether points. A T will show up in the unit display window to indicate if the unit is tethered.
- Battlegroups should now disband properly when the final unit is removed from the battlegroup
- Battlegroups now update their status and deployed systems more accurately and reliably
- Added some logic to the server to cause players to not disconnect as often
- Player Relationships from the Aurelium system should be removed when going to live now
- Deleted Alias configurations should remain deleted between server downs
- Space Defense no longer appear as individual items in the budget window when they contain other units
- Fixed a bug that would cause players to become "stuck" in a non-environment which would not allow them to log in anymore
- Miscellaneous
- Beginning armors are introduced
- Beginning PD Radar has been introduced
- Beginning buildings contain built in weapon slots
- Beginning pulse weapon introduced
- Beginning beam weapon introduced
- Beginning weapons all have different colors
- Hovering over the environment display window CP shows current CP penalties and timer
- Fixed a typo in Improved Beam Systems special project role play description
- The items in the Budget window have had their height altered in order to view more items at once
- Fixed a bug with large guild names showing as Unknown in the Diplomacy window
- Guilds
- Quitting or being kicked from a guild incurs a 7 day penalty before being able to join a new guild
- The game will prompt for confirmation and warn about the 7 day penalty for kicking or leaving a guild
- Miscellaneous
- The game now prompts for confirmation when designing a prototype that does not have sufficient crew for the suggested crew
- Fixed a bug where geography spawning would not use the (S) notation for spawn systems
- Added the (S) notation to the recently spawned spawn systems
- All empty battlegroups have been removed