Disaster Stikes Docplo I!

- Jeffrey Rossi, Docpl writes:

Contact has been lost with Docplo I

This is a breaking news bulletin from GNS News. Our main offices have lost contact with our observers inside Docplo I and predict the worst to have occurred. The colony was part of cypherlieu's empire and was believed to have been lost because of low morale. We here at GNS news extend our condolences for the family and friends of those who may have been lost as a result of Docplo I's demise and we extend our deepest sincerity to the families of our own reporters as we all begin to mourn the loss of such good people. Its a shame that such good people were lost as a result of low morale and we wonder how this turn of events may effect cypherlieu as they continue to rule their empire elsewhere. Stay tuned as we continue to follow the story and continue our investigation into the reasons behind Docplo I's downfall.