2165 matches.

Tide Turns in Cogthu

2012-03-15 19:50:26, writes:

-Georg Urwall, Galaxy Times writes:

The Tide Turns
Against  Cypherlieu and Allies in Cogthu

Many reports are
coming  in  confirming what was previously only random speculation:  that
the war  for  Cogthu is indeed turning against Cypherlieu. 

every  sector,  the sounds of forces loced in furious combat can be heard, but
the din  has been  more subued as of late.  The reason?  The forces of
Cypherlieu, the  nation infamous for its Queen of many faces, have been
steadily  losing ground to  a coalition lead by Dekker3D, and are at present
less capable  of offering  resistance than they once were. 

A Long Back-And-Forth
Struggle Nears  Its End

Things were not always so close to
resolution.  Early in the  conflict, Cypherlieu's war machine seemed
all-but-invincible in its quest to  dominate all planets in the system, and
members of the opposing coaltion seemed  to be teetering on the brink. 
The  toppling of several of the coalition  leaders and the defection of
MysteryGuy put those who remained in a tight  spot, but through
perseverance and sound strategy, they were able to dig in and  reverse their
fortunes.  As things now stand, full system control should  revert to the
anti-Cypherlieu confederation.  Expect more news on the  situation as
events on the ground and in the sky continue to 

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